Conference: "Greening the North American Energy Relationship"
Greening the North American Energy Relationship: Building a Stronger US-Canada Environmental Partnership.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
UCLA Covel Commons
Grand Horizon Room
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Learn more and register online at

The United States and Canada share a unique opportunity to build a new North American economy, one that is both sustainable and competitive in a more globalized world. Fossil fuels drive the continent’s economic engines but at significant costs to our shared environment and the health of all North Americans. Entrepreneurs and innovators are designing solutions to lead us to a greener economy – business certainty through policy certainty will bring the investment needed to accelerate their work and provide a more sustainable future for North Americans.
"Greening the North American Energy Relationship: Building a Stronger U.S.-Canada Environmental Partnership" – a conference supported by UCLA and the Government of Canada – will open a window on where we are now on the policy front and how energy companies, from petroleum producers to nuclear power producers, are working on solutions for the future. The conference will attract business, investors, government officials, non-governmental organizations and the media. Keynote speaker David Suzuki, an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster, will address what created the current situation and share implications for the United States and Canada.

Event Program
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Welcome, Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.,
Dean, UCLA School of Public Affairs
Opening remarks – To be Determined
Panel 1 – Greening our Energy Trading Relationship
What are the central challenges and opportunities for America’s energy trade relationship with Canada? How important is the US-Canadian energy trading relationship in tackling climate change in North America? How will Canadian oil sands production be affected by an Obama Cap and Trade policy? Can Canada and US integrate their carbon markets? How should trade in carbon-intensive energy be treated in future discussion NAFTA environmental side agreements?
Panel 2 – The Future of U.S. and Canadian Nuclear Power
Is renewable energy policy headed in the right direction in North America? Are the current renewable policy incentives adequate? Are North American policymakers overpromising through ambitious renewable targets? What should be the role of green technologies in developing renewable energy in North America? What are the major policy and market barriers to expanding renewable through green technologies? How can the US and Canada cooperate to expand the growth and trade in green technologies and renewable energy?
Keynote Luncheon Speaker: Mr. David Suzuki
David Suzuki, co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. He is renowed for his radio and television programs that explain the complexities of the natural sciences in a compelling, easily understood way.
Close of event
Cost : Free and open to the public.
Sponsor(s): Burkle Center for International Relations, Co-sponsored with the UCLA School of Pubic Affairs, the UCLA Burkle Center for Internaitonal Relations, the Leaders in Sustainability Program, the Environmental Law Center, Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment, Institute of the Environment, and Environment Now.
Download file: Greeningrevised.pdf