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Graduate School of Education and Information Studies
The Paulo Freire Institute
The Paulo Freire Institute seeks to gather scholars and critics of Freire’s work in permanent dialogue to foster the advancement of new theories and concrete interventions in the real world.
Project Contact:
Project website
Carlos A. Torres
(Updated: Jan 26 2023)
Refugees Rights in Records (R3) Initiative
Working both with current and historical refugee and diasporic populations, the Refugee Rights in Records Initiative encompasses multiple research projects addressing issues such as the role played by archives and storytelling in memory transmission and recovery from trauma.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kathy Carbone
(Updated: Apr 07 2023)
School of Engineering and Applied Science
School of Engineering-Cyprus University of Technology MOU
The School of Engineering and Cyprus University of Technology have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Ioanna Kakoulli
(Updated: Dec 12 2023)
School of Engineering-CMMI Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute MOU
The School of Engineering and CMMI Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Ioanna Kakoulli
(Updated: Dec 12 2023)
SeaChange - Seawater-based Carbon Removal Pilot Systems
A research team is working to prime the oceans to trap atmospheric CO2. SeaChange, a startup born out of the technology developed at UCLA, announced that two pilot systems — one in LA and another in Singapore — will soon be operational to help mitigate the atmospheric accumulation of CO2.
Project Contact:
Gaurav Sant
(Updated: Dec 12 2023)
Esteros del Ibera
Esteros del Ibera Esteros del Ibera was an interactive installation in Buenos Aires that allowed groups of visitors to explore the landscape of the protected Ibera Wetlands in northwest Argentina. UCLA REMAP and Open Perception‘s OpenPTrack was used as the interface between the visitors’ movements and the piece’s media.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jeff Burke
(Updated: Jan 10 2024)
College of Letters and Science: Humanities
Sites of (re)Collection
An investigation, in collaboration with the Danish Folklore Archives, of the application of digital technologies to the study of Danish folklore.
Project Contact:
Project website
Timothy Tangherlini
(Updated: Jul 08 2022)
Ethnolinguistic Expression of Mexican and Latino/a Identity Born in the United States
This project focuses on the ethnolinguistic expression of Mexican and Latino/a identity by those born in the United States and are of Mexican heritage.
Project Contact:
Armando Guerrero
(Updated: Nov 30 2023)
Dante and the Visual Arts
The broad aim of the project is to explore the impact of medieval visual arts on Dante’s Divine Comedy and how, in turn, the Divine Comedy influenced the visual arts in the following two centuries.
Project Contact:
Project website
Massimo Ciavolella
(Updated: Mar 03 2023)
Celtic Studies Association of North America Online Celtic Studies Bibliography
The Celtic Studies Association of North America (CSANA) embraces all aspects of Celtic Studies and provides a forum that is unavailable in a discipline- or area-based organization. Our members are interested in the languages, literature, history, folklore, music, art and archaeology of ancient, medieval, and modern Celtic cultures.
Project Contact:
Project website
Joseph F. Nagy
(Updated: Mar 10 2023)
UCLA College Honors-Yenching Academy Collaboration
This initiative brings young people who show promise to lead and innovate in their fields together in an intensive learning environment where they can explore China and its role in the world – past, present, and future.
Project Contact:
Project website
Barbara Van Nostrand
(Updated: Jul 20 2020)
Cultural Aesthetics and Transmission in Popular Music in Tanzania
This project studies the movement of cultural ideas throughout the Indian Ocean and how these historical movement patterns influence music being created today in Tanzania.
Project Contact:
Project website
Lucas Avidan
(Updated: Jul 20 2020)
Department of Spanish & Portuguese Travel Study Scholarship
The UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese provides a limited number of scholarships for UCLA students who have interest in exploring and understanding new cultures.
Project Contact:
Armando Guerrero
(Updated: Dec 12 2023)
Book on Mexican cultural diaspora
Calderón is halfway through on a book on the Mexican cultural diaspora of North America through literature, film, and rock en Español from Chiapas to Chicago and New York.
Project Contact:
Héctor Calderón
(Updated: Dec 12 2023)
Old Norse Digital Web: An Integrated Environment for Old Icelandic Morphology and Textual Study
This project is an automated, web-based Old Icelandic morphological (“word form”) analyzer and English language search tool that will attach to Old Icelandic/Old Norse texts, both in diplomatic transcription (that is, texts transcribed exactly as they appear in the manuscript) and in normalized form (the text converted into standard spelling).
Project Contact:
Project website
Timothy Tangherlini
(Updated: Apr 26 2023)
Colonial Bare Life: Racism, Settler Colonialism and Primitive Accumulation in the Making of Modern Ainu
Drawing from concepts such as Marx's primitive accumulation and Agamben's bare life, this project analyzes how racism, violence, dispossession, and settlement interacted to shape the Ainu people as they are today.
Project Contact:
Project website
Katsuya Hirano
(Updated: Dec 12 2023)
Inheritance Trouble: Migrant Archives of Holocaust Remembrance
This project analyzes the role archives play in remembering and researching the Holocaust.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Rothberg
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
Forms of Mobility: Genre, Space and Belonging in African Literary Cultures
This project maps new geographies for the study of African literature that cut across national, postcolonial, and global frameworks.
Project Contact:
Stephanie Santana
(Updated: Jan 21 2021)
A Translation of Selections from Eihei Dōgen`s Shōbōgenzō
This will be a translation of selections from "Shōbōgenzō" ("Treasury of the True Dharma Eye"), a collection of works by Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of the Sōtō Zen school who lived in the 13th century.
Project Contact:
William M. Bodiford
(Updated: Apr 15 2021)
A Translation of Selections from Keizan Jokin`s Denkōroku
This is a translation of selections from "Denkōroku" ("Conveying Illumination"), an early 14th-century collection of kōans by Keizan Jokin, a leading figure in Sōtō Zen Buddhism.
Project Contact:
Project website
William M. Bodiford
(Updated: Aug 01 2022)
Reassessing the Historiography of Early 20th-Century Vietnamese Collective Actions
This project comprises a series of revisions of articles on the historiography of collective action and social movements in early 20th-century Vietnam.
Project Contact:
George E. Dutton
(Updated: Apr 19 2021)
The Tonkin Free School and Conceptualizations of Society in Early 20th-Century Vietnam
This project analyzes the neologisms that emerged from the Tonkin Free School at the beginning of the twentieth century. In particular, it examines the concept of “society” and the ways in which it was introduced into the Vietnamese vernacular and how it was understood.
Project Contact:
Project website
George E. Dutton
(Updated: Aug 01 2022)
The United States in the Chinese Cinematic Imagination
This monograph explores the United States as it has been imagined through Chinese film, from 1949 to the present.
Project Contact:
Michael Berry
(Updated: Apr 13 2021)
Interviews with Cui Zi’en
This project will culminate in a book-length collection of interviews with a pioneer of Chinese queer cinema, Cui Zi’en.
Project Contact:
Michael Berry
(Updated: Apr 13 2021)
Conversations with Contemporary Chinese Writers
This project will produce a collection of conversations with leading Chinese writers, including Gao Xingjian, Zhang Ling, Wang Anyi, Yan Lianke, Ha Jin, and Kenneth Pai.
Project Contact:
Michael Berry
(Updated: Apr 13 2021)
Translation of The Last Swallow of Autumn
This project aims to translate Wenyi Chang's modern martial arts novel "The Last Swallow of Autumn" ("Xia yin") into English.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Berry
(Updated: Dec 13 2023)
Translation of Soft Burial
This project aims to translate Fang Fang's Luyuo Prize-winning book "Soft Burial" -- a novel about agrarian reform in the West Hubei region during the 1950s -- into English.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Berry
(Updated: Aug 01 2022)
Origins, Ancestors, and Imperial Authority in Early Northern Wei Historiography (Revision)
The project explores the representation of the Tuoba Xianbei rulers of the Northern Wei state (386–534 CE) through the sixth-century "Wei shu" ("History of the Northern Wei"), and incorporates issues of mythology, ritual, and Buddhist writing.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nina Duthie
(Updated: Aug 01 2022)
Book Production, Society, and Culture in Late Imperial China
This project examines the combined printing of (often two) iconic texts as a distinctive mode of book production among a range of classifying and organizing schemes in late imperial Chinese woodblock publication, exploring the various social players, motives, and strategies in reconfiguring and repurposing of existing materials and media.
Project Contact:
Yinghui Wu
(Updated: Apr 14 2021)
Children, Parents, and Social Order in Late Imperial China
This is a study of questionable child-parent relationships in the context of the crisis and maintenance of familial and social order in late imperial China.
Project Contact:
Yinghui Wu
(Updated: Apr 14 2021)
Kabuki Actors, Print Technology, and the Theatrical Origins of Modern Media
This project explores the continuities and ruptures that link early modern books and prints as conduits of bodily knowledge, voices, and sounds to the age of mechanical recording and moveable type.
Project Contact:
Satoko Shimazaki
(Updated: Apr 14 2021)
Kabuki in Print: Sukeroku in Theatrical Ephemera
This is a pedagogical guide to the rich world of kabuki theater ephemera, including playbills, actor critiques, illustrated digests.
Project Contact:
Satoko Shimazaki
(Updated: Apr 14 2021)
Book Manuscript on Jidaigeki and Present-Day Japan
She is currently working on a book manuscript on jidaigeki’s (a popular form of period film set during the Edo period) relation to postwar Japan’s lived present.
Project Contact:
Junko Yamazaki
(Updated: Apr 14 2021)
The Cultural Politics of Universal Empire: Knowledge and Diplomacy in Early Chosŏn Korea, 1392–1592
This project reconstructs the cultural strategies the Korean court deployed in its interactions with the Ming. Its examination of these strategies underscores the centrality of ritual and literary practices in producing diplomatic norms, political concepts, and ideals of sovereignty in the construction of a shared, regional interstate order.
Project Contact:
Sixiang Wang
(Updated: May 10 2023)
Daily Life and Structural Violence
This is a book project on ways to understand the responses of people who must live with violence or the memory thereof caused by economic and political practices.
Project Contact:
Thu-Huong Nguyen-Vo
(Updated: Apr 19 2021)
The History of the Korean Bible Society, volume III, 1945-2000
Dr. Oak is currently writing the third volume of his history of the Korean Bible Society, a Korean missionary and biblical translation organization founded in the 1800s.
Project Contact:
Sung-Deuk Oak
(Updated: Apr 21 2021)
Samuel Austin Moffett Papers, 1868-1939
Dr. Oak is currently helping edit and translate a ten-volume series of papers by and relating to Samuel Austin Moffett, one of the first American Presbyterian missionaries to proselytize in Korea.
Project Contact:
Sung-Deuk Oak
(Updated: Apr 21 2021)
Sources of Modern Nursing in Korea, 1886-1945
Dr. Oak is currently helping edit and translate a four-volume series of primary source materials relating to modern developments in nursing in Korea.
Project Contact:
Sung-Deuk Oak
(Updated: Apr 21 2021)
Thinking Things: The Material Turn in Song (960–1279) Literary Culture
This project examines the rise of material culture in the literary discourse during the eleventh to thirteenth century and how that redefined the boundary of literature.
Project Contact:
Project website
Huijun Mai
(Updated: Aug 03 2022)
Sinophone Studies: Interdisciplinary Engagements
Professor of Comparative Literature Shu-mei Shih has been acknowledged as a pioneering figure in the relatively new field of Sinophone Studies. In this anthology, she brings together a variety of contributions to the field, not only from fellow comparative literary analysts but also from thinkers working in other disciplines.
Project Contact:
Project website
Shu-mei Shih
(Updated: Aug 03 2022)
Indigenous Knowledge in Taiwan and Beyond
Part of Dr. Shih's larger mission to theorize Taiwan (see Knowledge Taiwan: On the Possibility of Theory in Taiwan (2016) and Keywords of Taiwan Theory (2019)), this monograph pays particular attention to the indigenous peoples of Taiwan and their ways of conceptualizing, producing, and organizing knowledge.
Project Contact:
Project website
Shu-mei Shih
(Updated: Aug 05 2022)
Religion During the Tokugawa Period
This project investigates religion during the Tokugawa period, especially those aspects of Japanese culture associated with manuscripts, printing, secrecy, education, and proselytizing.
Project Contact:
Project website
William Bodiford
(Updated: Aug 05 2022)
Soto Zen Text Project (SZTP)
This long-term project focuses on the manuscript history, editing, publication, and translation into English of major scriptures associated with the Soto Zen tradition in Japan.
Project Contact:
William Bodiford
(Updated: Apr 22 2021)
Indonesian Studies Travel Grant
The UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies offers travel grants to UCLA graduate students and undergraduate students to support research projects and to conduct fieldwork in Indonesia during the summer.
Project Contact:
Project website
Juliana Wijaya
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
Rigveda Translation: Online Commentary
This website will provide a more detailed and technical commentary to the Jamison-Brereton Rig Veda translation (Oxford Univ. Press, 2014) than was feasible in the published volumes. Sections of the commentary will be posted in stages.
Project Contact:
Stephanie Jamison
(Updated: Aug 08 2022)
Lateness and Longing: On the Afterlife of Photography
This book project explores the work of four women artists—Zoe Leonard, Tacita Dean, Moyra Davey, and Sharon Lockhart. It is part of a larger project that, in his art criticism, Baker has termed “photography’s expanded field,” detailing the fate of photography and film works in contemporary art.
Project Contact:
Project website
George Baker
(Updated: Jan 26 2024)
Animated Instruments
This book project addresses the relation between body and instrument in medieval Islam. The book explores a range of issues, such as the theme of the artist as a “corporeal instrument” in medieval sources and the conceptual linkage between slavery and technology.
Project Contact:
Project website
Lamia Balafrej
(Updated: Aug 08 2022)
London’s Modernities
Dr. Makdisi examines the mapping and unmapping of London from the nineteenth century to the present.
Project Contact:
Project website
Saree Makdisi
(Updated: Aug 08 2022)
Paris: Past and Present
Dr. Cohen's current research project aims to digitally reconstruct selected lost monuments of Paris, c. 1100-1450 in 3D. The project comprises a core-research group, a seminar titled Digital Gothic, and summer workshops in Paris and at UCLA.
Project Contact:
Meredith Cohen
(Updated: Jun 28 2024)
Translation and the Virus
Dr. Berry's last book project explores the intersection between COVID-19, Sino-US relations, and disinformation campaigns through the lens of Wuhan Diary by Fang Fang.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Berry
(Updated: Dec 13 2023)
Translation of the Rig Veda
Dr. Jamison's current project focuses on producing a complete new English translation of the oldest Sanskrit text, the Rig Veda.
Project Contact:
Stephanie W. Jamison
(Updated: Jan 15 2022)
“Calico-World in Pastel Colors: The Aesthetics of Gender in 1950s Toei Jidaigeki”
Dr. Yamazaki's article on the jidaigeki musical will be published in "A Companion to Japanese Cinema."
Project Contact:
Project website
Junko Yamazaki
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
Japan Past & Present
This is a collaborative project of UCLA and Waseda University in Tokyo. It will bring together wide-ranging resources to facilitate communication among scholars in the Japanese humanities-based around the world. The hub will include databases of translations and scholars, research materials, and a venue for mentorship.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Emmerich
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
Memory Citizenship: Migrant Archives of Holocaust Remembrance
Dr. Rothberg's book project focuses on the intersections between migration, citizenship, and confrontation with National Socialism and the Holocaust in contemporary Germany.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Rothberg
(Updated: Dec 13 2023)
Structure: A Counterhistory of Twentieth-Century French Philosophy
The project, “Structure: A Counterhistory of Twentieth-Century French Philosophy,” examines how the oft-cited break between structuralism and poststructuralism obscures the mind-bending and virtually uncategorizable work done on structure quasi-independently by a handful of thinkers in the 1950s and 1960s.
Project Contact:
Project website
Eleanor Kaufman
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
Governing European Subjects: The Discourse of “Muslim” Women and the Production of Europeanness in Contemporary Germany
Focusing on German literature, film, and media, Governing European Subjects suggests that the “Muslim woman” figure is mobilized particularly in contemporary discourses redefining multiculturalism, Holocaust memory, and the welfare state not just for minorities but for all Europeans.
Project Contact:
Project website
Yasemin Yildiz
(Updated: Dec 13 2023)
A Virtual Wunderkammer: Early Twentieth Century Erotica in Spain
Zubiaurre is the creator of an ongoing comprehensive virtual archive of fin de siècle Spanish erotica, housing more than 500 images and fully scanned texts. More than 100 works on sexology and sexual hygiene; 100 erotic magazines; and more than 240 erotic novelettes.
Project Contact:
Maite Zubiaurre
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
Training and Text Collection as a Vehicle for Recruiting and Retaining Endangered Language Fieldworkers
Dr. Torrence traveled to eastern Ghana in the summer of 2018 to conduct fieldwork on two Ghana-Togo Mountain languages: Avatime and Logba, through elicitation, text collection, and video documentation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Harold Torrence
(Updated: Dec 13 2023)
Headless Relative Clauses in Mesoamerican Languages
Dr. Torrence's project describes and documents the morpho-syntax and semantics of headless relative clauses in Mesoamerican languages, with funding from a UC MEXUS-CONACYT grant.
Project Contact:
Project website
Harold Torrence
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Investigation of the Argentinean Welsh
Dr. Bell's research project explores the vowel quality and quantity distinctions in the dialect(s) of Welsh spoken in Argentina, specifically, how the perception and production of Welsh vowels are affected by bilingualism with Spanish rather than with English.
Project Contact:
Project website
Elise Bell
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry
Dr. Ingenito's book project explores the relationship between sexuality, politics, and spirituality in the lyrics of Saʿdi Shirazi (d. 1292 CE), one of the most revered masters of classical Persian literature.
Project Contact:
Project website
Domenico Ingenito
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
The 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53) was hosted by the University of Göttingen in Germany. The program featured several talks by UCLA linguists: Arthur Mateos, Alum Nikos Angelopoulos (with Dimitris Michelioudaki), Alum Isabelle Charnavel, and Dominique Sportiche.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kristina Nyden
(Updated: Feb 15 2023)
UCLA @ SuB 27
Every year, several UCLA linguists participate in the Sinn und Bedeutung 27 Conference, which was last hosted by the Charles University in Prague in 2022. The conference featured talks by several UCLA linguists: Kalen Chang, Zahra Mirrazi (with Hedde Zeijlstra), and alum Natasha Korotkova
Project Contact:
Project website
Kristina Nyden
(Updated: Feb 15 2023)
John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management
UCLA-NUS Executive MBA
The UCLA-NUS Executive MBA provides a comprehensive perspective on international business, with particular emphasis on the thriving Asia-Pacific region. In just 15 months, you will earn two world-class MBAs while sharing an unforgettable learning experience with a diverse cohort from around the world.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sarika Thakur
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
School of Management-Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa MOU
The School of Management and Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Lucy Allard
(Updated: Mar 15 2021)
School of Management-ESSEC Executive Education Appartenant Au Groupe MOU
The School of Management and ESSEC Executive Education Appartenant Au Groupe have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Lucy Allard
(Updated: Mar 15 2021)
School of Medicine
Armenian Association for Health Education and Development
This project seeks to develop novel ways to effectively utilize the resources of diasporan communities in contributing to the health care systems of Low to Middle Income Countries.
Project Contact:
Project website
Shant Shekherdimian
(Updated: Jan 27 2023)
Aristotle University Eye Survey (Thessaloniki Eye Study/TES)
TES is a population-based epidemiologic study of glaucoma and AMD in the Greek population. Two of the study's specific aims are to determine the prevalence of glaucoma and AMD and to detect previously unidentified risk factors of glaucoma and AMD.
Project Contact:
Anne Coleman
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Barriers to Surgical Care for Children with Spina Bifida
This project will help develop a better understanding of the biases held by physicians about a malformation that does not affect the person's academic performance but that nonetheless has been stigmatized. For example, we work with the primary referral center in China and Nicaragua for spina bifida.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jorge Lazareff
(Updated: Aug 12 2022)
Center for Global Mentoring
Our mission is to catalyze the creation of international centers of excellence for scientific research based on a model of hands-on mentoring that has been essential to the development of the world's top scientists.
Project Contact:
David Eisenberg
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Cryptococcal Screening and Prevention, South Africa
In collaboration with the U.S. CDC, Dr. Klausner is expanding the routine screening and treatment for cryptococcal infection, a major cause of AIDS death in South Africa.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jeffrey Klausner
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Operation Healthy Africa
Operation Healthy Africa (OHA) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt foundation dedicated to improving health care for those most in need throughout the continent of Africa. OHA organizes and participates in medical missions, disease treatment and prevention, and other medical services, in addition to providing donated medical equipment and supplies.
Project Contact:
Project website
Fola May
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Mozambique Pediatric Surgical Training
The purpose of the project is to train pediatric surgeons in Maputo to improve the care of children in Mozambique. The program is having a sustainable and dramatic impact on the pediatric surgical care provided in Mozambique, and the ongoing education of the next generation of surgeons in this country.
Project Contact:
Project website
Daniel DeUgarte
(Updated: Aug 11 2020)
Barretos Cancer Hospital Radiation Oncology Collaborations
We are developing a relationship with Barretos Cancer Hospital in Brazil in radiation oncology. This relationship will include conferences and research collaborations.
Project Contact:
Pat Kupelian
(Updated: May 12 2022)
Diagnosis of Japanese Encephalitis Virus
Every year thousands of kids die in Bihar, India due to JE. The high mortality rate is due to the disease's rapid progress, without any symptom. We are focusing on defining clinical samples and parameters that can help in early symptom detection.
Project Contact:
Saroj Basak
(Updated: May 13 2022)
NIH Fogarty UCLA-Cairo University Addiction Unit Research Training Program
UCLA will train two post-doctoral fellows and one pre-doctoral fellow from Cairo University each year with their scientific writing skills and enable them to write grant proposals and research papers. UCLA mentors will introduce trainees to the daily responsibilities of a successful researcher.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sherry Larkins
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Education, Quality, Safety, Clinical Collaboration with Barretos Cancer Hospital
Joint collaboration with Barretos Cancer Hospital (Brazil): education, quality, safety, and clinical trials projects.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
Jazan University Substance Abuse Research Centre Research Mentoring Project
UCLA ISAP provides consulting services for Jazan University's Substance Abuse Research Center (SARC) in Saudi Arabia, with the goal of guiding SARC to become a leading research and research training institute in substance use disorders.
Project Contact:
Sherry Larkins
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
UCLA-SAMHSA-Hanoi Medical University`s Vietnam HIV-Addiction Technology Transfer Center (VHATTC)
The VHATTC is a collaborative network that improves linkages between health and human service sectors in Vietnam that address human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), substance use disorder (SUD), mental health, and other public health issues. The goal is to reduce the individual and societal harm in Vietnam from HIV and SUDs.
Project Contact:
Project website
Trang Nguyen
(Updated: Jul 14 2020)
MMT CARE for HIV Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial
China's methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) program is expanding rapidly to address a critical link between drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. This project uses a combination prevention approach to respond to the urgent need for improved quality of services at clinics, provider-client interactions, and client treatment outcomes.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
Performance of Dual Rapid Point-of-Care Tests for Syphilis and HIV Infection
A clinical field trial evaluating the performance of a new rapid point-of-care dual test for HIV and syphilis infection.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jeffrey Klausner
(Updated: May 13 2022)
Epidemiology of HIV-Related KS in China
A case-control study of HIV KS with 100 cases and 100 controls in Xingjiang, China, supported by NIH-China joint grant.
Project Contact:
Zuo-Feng Zhang
(Updated: May 13 2022)
Epidemiology of Lung, Liver, Esophagus, and Stomach Cancers in China
A case-control study of the top four cancers in Jiangsu Province, China.
Project Contact:
Zuo-Feng Zhang
(Updated: May 13 2022)
UCLA/China CDC Training Program in Advanced Research Methodologies
The Chinese Centers for Disease Control (China CDC) and the UCLA School of Public Health (UCLA SPH) created a two-track program to enhance the research capability of the China CDC, which is now in a position to take an active role in collaboratively providing advanced training in research methodology.
Project Contact:
Project website
Li Li
(Updated: Jun 15 2023)
Genetics and Epidemiology of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Severe Nausea of Pregnancy)
I have collected survey data and saliva samples from over 500 women with a history of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) and over 500 controls with unaffected pregnancies. Participants are from all over the world, but primarily from the U.S. I am analyzing genes and epidemiologic factors related to HG.
Project Contact:
Project website
Marlena Fezjo
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Social Media for Health Behavior Change
Various projects related to using social media and mobile technologies for health behavior change. U.S.-based projects include using social networking/social media and cell-phone based technologies for HIV prevention, drug-addiction treatment, and stress reduction.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sean Young
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Collaboration with Systems Medicine Institute in China
Institute of Systems Medicine (ISM) is a joint initiative between the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the local government of Suzhou Industry Park (SIP), and the Suzhou Municipality.
Project Contact:
Genhong Cheng
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
UCLA/USC Biodemography Center - International Biomarker Harmonization Substudy
Project focuses on validation of protocols for collection of blood and other biological specimens in developed and developing countries. In addition, this project seeks to develop methods of cross-calibration of results across these different countries.
Project Contact:
Project website
Heather McCreath
(Updated: Feb 03 2023)
World Federation of Pediatric Imaging
The WFPI is a world wide organization connecting international pediatric imaging societies. It has an informative website ( detailing the different activities currently pursued and resouces offered.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kim Pede
(Updated: Feb 03 2023)
Hernia Repair for the Underserved (HRFU)
HRFU's mission is to provide free hernia surgery to underserved children and adults in the Western Hemisphere, educate local expert hernia surgeons who will serve as trainers and future leaders, and assist hospitals and public health authorities in creating self-sustaining hernia repair teams that can care for the local community.
Project Contact:
Project website
David Chen
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Study of the Pharmacokinetics of Raltegravir in Children
This study evaluates the pharmacokinetics and short-term efficacy of the integrase inhibitor raltegravir in several pediatric age groups.
Project Contact:
Karin Nielsen
(Updated: May 13 2022)
Drug Resource Enhancement Against AIDS and Malnutrition (DREAM program)
Drug Resource Enhancement Against AIDS and Malnutrition (DREAM program) is an NGO from the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, Italy that provides medical care to over 200,000 HIV-affected or infected individuals in 10 sub-Saharan African countries.
Project Contact:
Project website
Karin Nielsen
(Updated: Feb 03 2023)
Holistic Interventions to Improve Child Health Outcomes, Enhance Family Food Security, and Establish Strong Infrastructure for Health Promotion in Rwanda
We will establish local farming collectives with the People Living with HIV/AIDS Association to grow soy sorghum and maize to make fortified SoSoMa to supplement HIV-exposed infants to help prevent malnutrition; establish a sustainable local supply; support local agriculture; and improve overall community health.
Project Contact:
Project website
Emery Chang
(Updated: Feb 03 2023)
EQUIP-Malawi (Extending Quality Improvement for HIV/AIDS in Malawi)
"EQUIP-Malawi (Extending Quality Improvement for HIV/AIDS in Malawi) is a five-year USAID-funded project, implemented in partnership with four institutions: Partners in Hope (PIH), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Baylor College of Medicine Children's Foundation Malawi (BCM-CFM), and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF).
Project Contact:
Risa Hoffman
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
UCLA-Vietnam National University Consortium on Cancer Research
UCLA has established effective interactions with Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. First, a program led by the Center for Global Mentoring (CGM) has intended to provide training to VNU students in biomedical sciences. Second, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center is formulated to provide training to cancer scientists in Vietnam.
Project Contact:
Fuyu Tamanoi
(Updated: May 16 2022)
Global Health Clinical Electives for Senior Medical Students
The UCLA Center for World Health offers funds for a limited number of students interested in pursuing a global health clinical rotation in their senior year of medical school. We currently provide three-week rotations at one of eight sites in seven countries.
Project Contact:
Project website
Traci Wells
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Developing Collaborative Studies with St. Petersburg Medical University
Training of young scientists from Russia, St. Petersburg Medical University (SPMU). Finding and Matching Research Projects between the UCLA faculty and the SPMU. The projects are going to be conducted in both sides. The Russian scientists will be trained in contemporary technology and analytical techniques.
Project Contact:
Alexander Bystritsky
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
Genetics of Bipolar Disorder
This project aims to identify the genetic basis of bipolar disorder in large Latin American pedigrees.
Project Contact:
Nelson Freimer
(Updated: May 13 2022)
Genetic Investigation of Dyslipidemias and Other Metabolic Traits in Finland
This project aims to identify the genetic basis of these traits in Finnish population samples and pedigrees.
Project Contact:
Nelson Freimer
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
AvanceGen: Promoting Genetic Knowledge in Latin America
AvanceGen is a nonprofit organization formed to promote education in genomic medicine among health care providers in Colombia and to facilitate the diagnosis of genetically based disorders in Latin American countries that have limited access to advanced molecular technology.
Project Contact:
Rebecca Mardach
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Orthopaedic Management of Patients with Hemophilia in the Middle East
We are starting a telemed program with Palestine. They have about 1500 hemophilia patients and need orthopaedic consultation and training. The Orthopaedic Hemophilia Treatment Center at Orthopaedic Hospital, affiliated with UCLA has the largest experience in orthopaedic surgery on hemophiliacs in the U.S. and possibly the world.
Project Contact:
James Luck
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
Certification in Mindfulness Facilitation, Spanish-Speaking Program
The UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) offers a year-long professional training called the Certification in Mindfulness Facilitation (CMF). We have selected nine professionals who speak Spanish as part of the 2014 cohort.
Project Contact:
Project website
Marvin Belzer
(Updated: Feb 03 2023)
Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Projects for Quantifying HIV Epidemics and Improving National Prevention and Treatment Programs in Botswana and Lesotho
Mathematical modeling and statistical projects in Botswana and Lesotho. We construct country-level geographic high resolution (to 1 square km) maps of HIV epidemics, using HIV prevalence, population density, and road networks to accurately measure how many infected people there are and where they live.
Project Contact:
Sally Blower
(Updated: May 16 2022)
UCLA Mozambique Medical Education Partnership
The Partners for Pediatric Progress program, under the umbrella of the Mattel Children's Hopsital, and in partnership with the UCLA Center for World Health, has established a partnership with the main teaching hospital and medical school in the country based in Maputo, Mozambique.
Project Contact:
Project website
W. Chris Buck, MD
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
Increasing Animal Source Foods in Drug-Naive Women Living with HIV in Rural Kenya
This is a randomized-controlled feeding intervention study. The non-pregnant women are randomly assigned to the AMPATH/Moi University catchment area and are being fed daily direct observation (DOT) feedings of nutrient biscuits.
Project Contact:
Charlotte Neumann
(Updated: May 16 2022)
Global Partnership for AIDS Behavioral Research - South Africa and U.S.
HIV continues to significantly impact South Africans, with HIV's long-term costs rising. Expanding the behavioral capacity of HIV research at Stellenbosch University will complement the existing biomedical expertise in the country.
Project Contact:
Mary Rotheram-Borus
(Updated: May 16 2022)
HIV & Drug Abuse Prevention for South African Men
In partnership with Stellenbosch University and Grassroot Soccer, our goal is to evaluate the efficacy of a neighborhood-level HIV prevention strategy and a structural pathway out of poverty for young men via non-stigmatizing, pro-social soccer and artisan vocational mentoring.
Project Contact:
Danielle Harris
(Updated: May 16 2022)
U.S.-Mexico Binational Quit Using Drugs Intervention Trial
This study is responsive to calls from the Binational Mexico-US Drug Demand Reduction Meetings to reduce drug demand at the borders.
Project Contact:
Julia Yacenda-Murphy
(Updated: May 16 2022)
Short-Term Training Program (STTP) in Global Health
"The Short-Term Training Program (STTP) in Global Health is a program of the UCLA Center for World Health. UCLA students between their first and second years of medical school have the opportunity to participate in a closely mentored short-term research project on a variety of global health topics.
Project Contact:
Project website
Traci Wells
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Introduction to Critical Thinking in Medicine: Course for Medical Students in Latin America
This program provides televised live lectures from UCLA to an audience of medical students throughout Latin America. The course addresses basic epistemological concepts, biostatistics, and provides students with a framework for how to read and write a clinical paper.
Project Contact:
Jorge Lazareff
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
UCLA Blum Center Summer Scholars Program
The UCLA Blum Center Summer Scholars Program is a unique opportunity for graduate students to work with Latin American universities, international institutions, governments, and community organizations that are improving the health and social conditions of low-income and vulnerable populations.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Rodriguez
(Updated: Aug 06 2020)
Lamivudine and its Impact on Perinatal HBV Transmission in HIV/HBV Coinfection
Specific Aims: 1) Determine the impact of lamivudine in preventing HBV perinatal transmission in HIV/HBV coinfected pregnant women, 2) Identify the predictors of perinatal HBV transmission, and 3) Determine the impact of lamivudine on maternal and infant HBV drug resistance and vaccine escape phenotypes.
Project Contact:
Dr. Debika Bhattacharya
(Updated: May 17 2022)
UCLA/Cambodia HIV/AIDS Training Program in Data Management and Analysis (D43) - Fogarty
This training program provides doctoral and master's degrees and post-doctoral training to trainees from Cambodia to provide advanced training of Cambodian health professionals in using and interpreting complex surveillance data related to HIV prevention and care.
Project Contact:
Project website
Janell Moore
(Updated: Aug 12 2022)
Estimating Population Immunity to Vaccine Preventable Diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo
The DRC has not yet reported a confirmed case of wild poliovirus (WPV) in 2012. While the absence of confirmed WPV cases is an encouraging indication of progress, the DRC's success in eradicating polio depends largely on maintaining high immunization coverage with quality vaccination throughout the country.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kirstin Chickering
(Updated: Feb 07 2023)
Assessing the Burden of HIV and Schistosomiasis Co-Infections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
"Sub-Saharan Africa continues to bear a disproportionate share of the global HIV burden resulting in significant morbidity and mortality in the region. Urogenital schistosomiasis, caused by infection with the parasite Schistosoma haematobium, is widespread and causes substantial morbidity on the African continent.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kirstin Chickering
(Updated: Feb 03 2023)
Collaborations with Chinese National Cancer Center
Developing collaborations in cancer biomarker studies and cancer screening/prevention programs
Project Contact:
Jianyu Rao
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Resident Exchange with Bali International Medical Centre Hospital
Residents from the UCLA/Olive View-UCLA Emergency Medicine program and the UCLA Family Medicine program have rotated at the Bali International Medical Centre Hospital since 2002. Residents teach and mentor national primary care physicians in topics related to acute care medicine and family medicine.
Project Contact:
Project website
Matthew Waxman
(Updated: Aug 07 2023)
UCLA Emergency Medicine/Thailand Residency Exchange Program
There have been a number of faculty and resident exchanges between the UCLA/Olive View-UCLA Emergency Medicine Residency Training program and our partners in Thailand.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 12 2020)
Zhejiang University Spine Research and Education
Faculty from Zhejiang University and UCLA work together on various research projects in the field of spine surgery. There is also didactic exchanges at various conferences.
Project Contact:
A. N. Shamie, MD
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
Substance Use Disorders and HIV in Asian/Pacific Island Populations
The goals of the Conference Series are to develop a network infrastructure to facilitate research communication and collaboration and to generate evidence-based, culturally congruent practices and services promoting health among Asian/Pacific Island populations.
Project Contact:
Yih-Ing Hser
(Updated: May 17 2022)
Emergency Medicine Resident Rotation and Faculty Exchange
The UCLA/Olive View-UCLA Emergency Medicine Residency Program has an exchange program for faculty, residents, and ultrasound fellows. A number of UCLA/Olive View UCLA Emergency Medicine residents have rotated at our partner institution in Chile.
Project Contact:
Carlos Basaure
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Projecto Parejas: Gay Couples in Peru
This is a mixed methods study to assess relationships between gay men in Peru, how they approach HIV within their relationships, and to explore types of interventions that would help them to prevent HIV acquisition or transmission.
Project Contact:
Kelika Konda
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Cost-Effectiveness of Active Tuberculosis Household Contact Tracing in Peru
Peruvian Ministry of Health staff and an international research team are designing, implementing, and evaluating an active household contact tracing program for tuberculosis in a Lima district of 1 million inhabitants.
Project Contact:
Timothy Brewer
(Updated: May 17 2022)
Collaboration Between Chulalongkorn University and UCLA in Parkinson`s Disease
We are collaborating on epidemiological research on the causes of Parkinson's disease and health services research to improve outcomes. The two universities also plan to exchange trainees to further this collaboration.
Project Contact:
Jeff Bronstein
(Updated: May 20 2022)
Pediatric Resuscitation and Critical Care Training at Hospital Central de Maputo, Mozambique
Continuing pediatric resuscitation and critical care training at Hospital Central de Maputo, Mozambique. Work has included modified PALS course training, a physician/nurse exchange program, code instruction, and critical care lectures. In addition, the development of a pediatric transport program is underway.
Project Contact:
Robert Kelly
(Updated: May 24 2022)
Critical Care Training at Hospital Regional de Loreto, Iquitos, Peru
Continuing pediatric resuscitation and critical care training at Hospital Regional de Loreto, Iquitos, Peru. Work has included modified PALS course training, mock code instruction, and critical care lectures. A needs assessment is underway.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert Kelly
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
Hearts with Hope
Our mission is to provide medical, dental and humanitarian assistance to children with congenital heart disease in the underserved global community. By educating and assisting local healthcare professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart disease our vision is to create self sustainable pediatric cardiac centers accessible to all.
Project Contact:
Project website
Juan Carlos
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Testing and Linkage to HIV Care in China: A Cluster Randomized Trial
Researchers from the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and UCLA are evaluating a seek, test, and retain point-of-care strategy in 12 hospitals throughout Guangxi Autonomous Region in China.
Project Contact:
Project website
Walter Ling
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
Advancing Head and Neck Services in Nepal
Project to provide advanced continuing medical education, surgical skills training, and surgical equipment donations to Head and Neck Surgery/ENT physicians in Nepal.
Project Contact:
Dinesh Chhetri
(Updated: Dec 18 2023)
Chinese National Cancer Center/Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Telepathology Project
"Beijing: Study new technologies for cancer screening. Hangzhou: Telepathology project (agreement with UCLA and SAHZU)"
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
China International Conference Series on Hematolymphoid Disorders (2004-2014)
Seven conferences have occurred since 2004, focused on leukemia, lymphoma, and other hematolymphoid disorders.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Colombian Consortium for the Advancement of Children`s Health
This project will introduce and develop an integrated public health system in Colombia based on current internationally recognized best practices in genetics. This system will have the capacity to (1) diagnose certain genetic disorders in newborn patients prior to those disorders becoming symptomatic, allowing for early treatment and thus avoiding major morbidity, serious disability, or even death, (2) provide specialized medical services to treat the diagnosed patients, and (3) train Colombian laboratory scientists and health care providers, facilitating a completely Colombian-based system of testing laboratories and treatment centers. This project will not only bring a solution to an important medical gap affecting children in Colombia, but will also provide the foundation of a newborn screening and treatment system that can be adopted by the Colombian Ministry of Health and be expanded nationally.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Medical Genetics Consulting and Observership Exchange Program: Colombia
Provide expert opinions for the interpretation of difficult cytogenetic cases, and facilitate an observership exchange program for faculty, residents, and fellows interested in rotating at UCLA.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Training of Foreign Scholars in Clinical Chromosomal Microarray Cases
Training in the interpretation and reporting of clinical chromosomal microarray cases.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Medical Genetics Consulting: Costa Rica
Provide opinions on the interpretation of difficult cytogenetic cases.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Hallym University Medical Center - UCLA Joint Conference
The Hallym University Medical Center (HUMC) - UCLA Joint Conference focuses on current and relevant health care management topics in the U.S. and South Korea. The conference is the first step toward a larger collaboration with HUMC.
Project Contact:
Project website
Michael Burke
(Updated: Feb 06 2023)
UCLA/Myanmar Training Program in Advanced HIV/AIDS Methodologies
The goal of this Fogarty Training Program is to provide training for scholars in Myanmar in advanced HIV/AIDS methodologies.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
Building Rare Blood Disorders Team Based Specialty Services in the US Pacific: Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Guam and CNMI are remote United States Pacific territories with underserved rare genetic bleeding disorder populations. This project uses regionalization as a framework to develop and sustain local clinical expertise and public health capacity to foster sustainable rare blood disorders healthcare delivery systems in each territory. We evaluate patient reported service and information gaps using national needs assessments and registries allowing us to characterize variations and trends. We provide technical assistance to local Blood Disorder teams in insurance advocacy to improve access to blood products, and on how to plan, fund, implement, and evaluate patient and provider education to advance knowledge islandwide, and reduce family and professional isolation.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Integration Strategies to Enhance Service Provider Networks in Vietnam
This project will develop and pilot test multilevel integration strategies in Vietnam, including structural changes for better treatment coordination, strengthening treatment-provider networks for improved service collaboration, and involving community health workers (CHW) to support those in need throughout the treatment cascade.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
UCLA/Vietnam Training Program in Evaluation and Advanced Methodologies
UCLA School of Public Health and Hanoi Medical University (HMU) in Vietnam collaborate on a training program in advanced research methodology and HIV/AIDS. The program will provide academic training at UCLA for MS and PhD trainees from Vietnam.
Project Contact:
Project website
Li Li
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
UCLA/Thai Ministry of Public Health Epidemiology Training Program on AIDS
The goal of this Fogarty Training Program is to provide training for Thai scholars in advanced epidemiologic methods.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Aug 18 2020)
STI Screening in Pregnant Women, Botswana
Formative research investigating the acceptability and feasibility of STI screening in pregnant women in Botswana.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
STI Screening in Pregnant Women, Vietnam
Formative research investigating the acceptability and feasibility of STI screening in pregnant women.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Alternative Venues for HIV Testing with MSM and TW in Lima, Peru
This project seeks to determine the acceptability, feasibility, and efficacy of HIV/syphilis dual rapid testing in high-risk venues such as discos and saunas. After the testing, we will track linkage to care and treatment of men who have sex with men and transgender women who test positive at the high risk venues.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Pilot Study of STI Screening and Treatment for PMTCT
In response to the need for further research to eliminate MTCT of HIV infection and reduce infant morbidity and mortality, we're examining the acceptability and feasibility of STI screening in pregnant women and the potential impact of such a screening program on the MTCT of HIV infection.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
The Armenian Medical Genomics Project
In 2020, The Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA provided a seed grant to the Armenia Medical Genomics Project to sequence and interpret DNA samples collected from Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh.
Project Contact:
Project website
Salpy Akaragian
(Updated: Feb 06 2023)
Epigenetic and Psychosocial Drivers of NeuroHIV in HIV+ South African Adolescents
There are a substantial number of perinatally HIV-infected children in South Africa who are at increased risk of neurobehavioral and neurophysiological abnormalities. Interventions for these children need to be informed by elucidating the biological and environmental determinants of such abnormalities. This study will examine the influence of DNA methylation (an epigenetic process) and important environmental and psychosocial factors on HIV neuropathogenesis, with the goal of developing treatment strategies and identifying potential biomarkers.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Perception and Screening in Armenia
Many studies have documented a high prevalence of cardiovascular disease in Armenia. Knowledge and perceptions of risk factors, however, are not known. Therefore, this study seeks to assess the population's perception of risk factors and barriers to choosing the ideal screening tool given the local conditions.
Project Contact:
Shant Shekherdimian
(Updated: May 25 2022)
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Armenia
This project seeks to develop and effective collaboration with practitioners in Armenia to improve screening and management of colorectal cancer.
Project Contact:
Armen Aboulian
(Updated: Aug 08 2018)
Combining Anthropology and Surgery in International Mission Work: A New Paradigm for Global Health
We are examining the benefit of incorporating an anthropological perspective to the standard medical/surgical approach to patient encounters in the global health setting
Project Contact:
Reza Jarrahy
(Updated: May 25 2022)
Global Health Radiology Residency Pathway
The UCLA radiology residency program offers a global health radiology residency pathway with a four-year curriculum focused on project development, grant writing, ultrasound, and teaching. In addition, the residents collaborate with RAD-AID for their fourth-year elective site selection. Elective sites include numerous developing countries.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kara-Lee Pool
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
TransPrEP: A Social Network-Based Intervention to Improve PrEP Adherence Among Transgender Women in Peru
TransPrEP is a preliminary clinical trial (R34) of an experimental, social network-based intervention to improve adherence to PrEP among transgender women in Lima, Peru.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
Informal Medical Injection Use in Cambodia
The study will establish the prevalence of injection/infusion usage in Cambodia and assess if people living with HIV (PLWH) seek more injections/infusions from non-medical providers than HIV negatives.
Project Contact:
Pamina Gorbach
(Updated: May 25 2022)
Neuroplasticity and Methamphetamine Abuse in South Africa
The primary aim of this project is to determine whether functional changes in frontostriatal circuitry from baseline to end of treatment using contingency management are associated with measures of cognitive control and impulsivity in 30 treatment-seeking MA users.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
Understanding the Causes of Major Depression in Han Chinese Woman
This project aims to understand the causes of major depression by collecting data on 24,000 cases of recurrent depression in Han Chinese women and comparing the results to data from 24,000 controls. The data include whole-genome sequences allowing us to identify the genetic roots of the disorder.
Project Contact:
Jonathan Flint
(Updated: May 25 2022)
Thailand HIV and Addiction Technology Transfer Center
We have a federally-funded capacity-building project in Thailand focused on developing clinical and research knowledge and skills of faculty, students, and providers working in the areas of HIV and addiction.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sherry Larkins
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment in Ayacucho, Peru
Dr. DeAntonio travels to Peru yearly to assess and treat indigenous people in the Andes who have no or limited access to mental health care in area with PTSD from civil war.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Feb 19 2020)
Healing The Children
Medical missions organized by Riley Children's Hospital MDs and nurses through the group Healing the Children. The trips usually involve one day of clinical evaluations and five days of surgery.
Project Contact:
Project website
Steven Lerman
(Updated: Jul 14 2020)
Palawan Baptist Hospital (PBH) Rural Medical Missions
Partnership with local hospital (PBH) to conduct medical missions in under-served rural Philippines. A wide range of diseases and pathology are observed primarily represented by tropical infectious diseases as well as untreated disease processes not commonly seen in the United States.
Project Contact:
Project website
Theodore Moore
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute
Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute is a center for ophthalmology specialty patient care for all in need, a training center for ophthalmology residents, fellows, and professionals, a community center to increase awareness of eye disease, and a research center to improve eye care and training.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 22 2020)
Epilepsy Bioinformatics Study for Antiepileptogenic Therapy (EpiBioS4Rx)
There are currently no treatments to prevent epilepsy, nor are there cost effective ways to identify or prove such treatments in patients. This international multicenter NIH funded program will study animals and patients with traumatic brain injury to identify biomarkers of posttraumatic epilepsy and test potential antiepileptogenic agents.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jerome Engel
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
Mother Mentor Program in Ghana
Role model mothers in the community are trained and assigned to mentor pregnant women and follow them until their children are 2 years of age. The goals of the program are to reduce maternal stress, improve nutrition, promote child development, and decrease rates of diarrheal disease and malaria.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sarah Gustafson
(Updated: Jul 14 2020)
SCIPPER: Spinal Cord Injury Project Pakistan Earthquake Rehabilitation
In this project, 33 paralyzed people who survived with spinal cord injuries after the 2005 Pakistan earthquake are rehabilitated. It is an entirely voluntary project. These patients mostly live in the Himalayan mountains and receive food, medical care and supplies. Some patients are provided with education and vocational training.
Project Contact:
Project website
Zeba Vanek
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
Development of a Translational Research Program for Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death among women in the world. A "one-size-fits-all" approach of drug development and treatment has left mortality rates essentially unchanged over the last 30 years.
Project Contact:
Project website
Dennis Slamon
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
Core Outcome Measures for Vascular Malformations (OVAMA Project)
OVAMA is an international project to develop a set of core outcome measures for studies of peripheral vascular anomalies using Delphi consensus criteria. Multiple academic centers around the world are involved in implementing the project.
Project Contact:
Project website
Marcia Hogeling
(Updated: May 31 2022)
UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital Partnership With Beijing Children`s Hospital Group
UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital partners with Beijing Children's Hospital Group (a network of 20 pediatric hospitals throughout China) and Futang Research Center of Pediatric Development to improve the health and well-being of children in the world's largest country, with generous support from Mattel, Inc. and the Mattel Children's Foundation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Lena Wu
(Updated: Dec 19 2023)
Hepatitis B PROMISE Substudy (Breastfeeding Version of the PROMISE Study)
Specific Aims: 1) Compare HBV virologic outcomes in HIV/HBV women and their infants among randomized arms, 2) Compare clinical hepatic outcomes in HIV/HBV women among randomized arms, and 3) Compare maternal and infant clinical outcomes between HBV infected and uninfected women and their children, among randomized arms.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 22 2020)
Joint Health Status Monitoring
We are developing a novel externally wearable device to discriminate healthy from problematic joints in the early stage of degradation, with applications to natural and artificial joints and soft tissues in partnership with the Quantum Computing Department at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
Project Contact:
Project website
Fabrizio Billi
(Updated: Aug 12 2022)
Remote Interaction, Consultation and Epidemiology Using Text Messaging in Vietnam
Working with Dartmouth College, the Vietnamese Institute of Population, Health, and Development (PHAD), and the Vietnamese National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE), we initiated a project to enhance surveillance reporting capabilities in Vietnam's Hung Yen and Hoa Binh provinces.
Project Contact:
Peter Katona
(Updated: Jun 01 2022)
Mosul Iraq Trauma Stabilization Point
TSPs (Trauma Stabilization Points) within 3km of the conflict provided care to injured civilians and combatants at the frontline of the battle. During the conflict, Dr. Waxman provided clinical care at a frontline TSP and continues to work with NYCMedics on trauma protocols and logistical support.
Project Contact:
Matthew Waxman
(Updated: Jun 01 2022)
Brenda Lucille Miller UCLA-South African Education Fund for Movement Disorders
The Brenda Lucille Miller UCLA-South African Education Fund for Movement Disorders was created in 2017 to honor the memory of Brenda Lucille Miller. The aim of the Fund is to expand South Africa's capacity to prevent, diagnose, treat, and manage neurological diseases and movement disorders.
Project Contact:
Project website
Fedra Djourabchi
(Updated: Jan 29 2020)
Ophthalmic Manifestations of Congenital Zika Virus Infection
The research aims to determine the spectrum of ophthalmic disorders associated with congenital Zika infection in infants, including the determination of the rate of ophthalmic disease in Zika-endemic regions and the resolution of other eye abnormalities from other conditions.
Project Contact:
Karin Nielsen
(Updated: Jun 01 2022)
Integrating Early Childhood Development into Option B+ (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV) in Malawi
UCLA's Center for World Health and Partners in Hope-Malawi joined a two-year pilot program to assess the feasibility and acceptability of supporting Option B+ HIV-positive mothers on treatment in two health facilities in Malawi.
Project Contact:
Laurie Campbell Bruns
(Updated: Jun 02 2022)
Sonagachi Research and Training Institute (SRTI)
SRTI collaborates with academic partners to host internships, service learning, and research projects on empowerment, HIV/STIs, micro-finance, human rights, and other factors affecting sex workers and their children and families.
Project Contact:
Project website
Dallas Swendeman
(Updated: Mar 01 2023)
Assessment of Simplified Antiviral Treatment Strategy for Hepatitis C
Implementation of hepatitis C treatment with direct-acting antiviral therapy in Myanmar and Ukraine in key populations (people who inject drugs [PWID], commercial sex workers [CSW], and men who have sex with men [MSM).
Project Contact:
Kara Chew
(Updated: Jun 02 2022)
Novel Mechanism of Cardiometabolic Disorder
Teaching and collaboration on discovery research on new pathways in cardiometabolic diseases and therapies.
Project Contact:
Yibin Wang
(Updated: Jun 02 2022)
Exporting and Importing Best Practices in Multidisciplinary Cleft Care: Reciprocal Partnerships
We are exploring a model where a multidisciplinary team collaborates with an interdisciplinary host team to share ideas about how best to provide holistic care to underserved populations.
Project Contact:
Reza Jarrahy
(Updated: Jun 02 2022)
Business Approach to NCD Screening in South Africa
The UCLA Anderson Applied Management Research (AMR) Team has partnered with the Human Sciences Research Council to find a sustainable business solution that addresses non-communicable diseases (NCD) within KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Project Contact:
Laurie Bruns
(Updated: Jun 02 2022)
Genetics of Severe Mental Illness
We will analyze a common genetic variation in a Colombian sample of 8,000 extensively phenotyped severe mental illness (SMI) individuals, ascertained across diagnostic categories and 2,000 demographically matched controls.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nelson Freimer
(Updated: Aug 12 2022)
Bangkok Fetal Echocardiography Symposium
The annual symposium aimed to improve prenatal detection of congenital heart disease and improve all aspects of fetal cardiology in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia. Dr. Sklansky has spoken at this meeting each year since the symposium's inception.
Project Contact:
Project website
Poomiporn Katanyuwong, MD
(Updated: Aug 12 2022)
Forensic Evaluations for Asylum Seekers
Dr. Emery is performing evaluations for several organizations, including the UCLA Law Asylum Clinic, Public Counsel, USC, and the Program for Torture Victims. Dr. Emery would love to mentor any medical students or MDs interested in this work.
Project Contact:
Project website
Eleanor Emery
(Updated: Mar 01 2023)
UCLA-Nicaragua Cancer Initiative
Started in 2015, this project involves collaboration with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health, public medical schools, and health providers in the public sector. The initial goal has been to provide support and facilitation to pathologists and oncologists in order to promote improvement in capturing and classifying cancer data.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 30 2020)
Integrating ECD and Option B+ in Malawi: Developing an Optimized, Sustainable Model
We are investigating the integration of Early Childhood Development into an existing Option B+ programme at a number of sites in Malawi. This project expands upon the successful pilot that confirmed the feasibility and acceptability of the integration.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jan 22 2020)
Applying machine learning approaches to dissect the clinical subtypes of type 2 diabetes
"Our research group will apply multiple machine learning algorithms and leverage large human cohorts and biobanks to train computational models to identify distinct metabolic subtypes of type 2 diabetes."
Project Contact:
Project website
Arthur Ko
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Silver Service Children's Foundation
The Silver Service Children's Foundation is a team of orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses who travel to Buga, Colombia twice a year to provide orthopedic surgeries to children in need.
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Proyecto Orgullo
We will evaluate the effectiveness of Proyecto Orgullo+, a combined prevention intervention that focuses on multiple dynamics that facilitate the transmission of HIV. This project established a community center for gay men and transgender women, navigators for those living with HIV, and training for HIV care providers.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kelika Konda
(Updated: May 19 2023)
MDR-TB: Improving Adherence and Outcomes in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
"Our goal is to improve adherence and cure rates for patients with MDR-TB (including those with concomitant HIV) who are receiving care in routine programmatic settings in South Africa."
Project Contact:
Project website
Richard Murphy
(Updated: Aug 11 2020)
Improving Cervical Cancer Screening in Malawi
This project involves assessing barriers to cervical cancer screening and treatment (client level, provider level, health system level) and also evaluates clinical outcomes of women receiving treatment for early lesions with thermocoagulation.
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: May 19 2023)
Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, & Trichomonas vaginalis screening
We are conducting a study to assess the acceptability and feasibility of incorporating chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis screening and treatment into antenatal care in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Untreated chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis can cause severe problems for both pregnant women and their babies.
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Ultrasound education in Israel
Basic lectures and workshops will consist of topics including: Introduction to history/physics/instrumentation, trauma and EFAST exam, basic echocardiography, thoracic and lung exam, biliary, retroperitoneal (aorta and renal), pelvic transabdominal and transvaginal exams, and vascular access.
Project Contact:
Project website
Amir Tabibnia
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Ukraine International HIV ATTC Initial Announcement
The purpose of this program is to establish an internationally-based ATTC in Ukraine that primarily builds the capacity and increases the skills and abilities of healthcare providers of the national Ukraine HIV/AIDS program through training, technical assistance, technology transfer, and workforce development.
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: Apr 04 2023)
Teaching evidence-based practice for patients with neurological injury to physic
"Our project works with designated members of the local academy to create a workshop that addresses their specific concerns while presenting the principles and practices of evidence-based, family-centered care within the ICF framework."
Project Contact:
Project website
Marcia Greenberg
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Video game for sexual and reproductive health
"We have developed a video game to educate adolescents about basics of sexual and reproductive health. We will be testing it among adolescents in south India."
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Hong Kong Sanitarium Nursing Education Project
In furthering Hong Kong Sanitarium's (HKSH) mission to retain and attract the best talent through professional development, the UCLA Health Nursing Department and the UCLA School of Nursing are collaborating to offer a long term partnership to include formalized training, simulation experiences, mentorship, and distance learning for HKSH nurses.
Project Contact:
Project website
Rojean Kashanchi
(Updated: May 19 2023)
Substance Use & HIV workforce development & capacity building in Southeast Asia
"Our PEPFAR-SAMHSA funding focuses on establishing a university-based training and technology transfer hub at Chiang Mai University in Thailand to address workforce development and capacity building in the areas of addiction, mental health and HIV."
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: May 19 2023)
Enhancing testing & monitoring of antimicrobial resistance w/at risk populations
"This study will enroll at-risk populations (i.e. men who sex with men, sex workers) for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) & HIV prevention efforts. We will also monitor antimicrobial resistance among participants and enhance testing practices using lab diagnostics."
Project Contact:
Project website
David Geffen
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
School of Medicine-Kyoto University MOU
The School of Medicine and Kyoto University have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Project website
Jerome Zack
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
School of Nursing
The Global Health Experience
The UCLA School of Nursing offers nursing students the opportunity to participate in a health experience that extends beyond the U.S. borders to learn first-hand about health education for care providers, issues of public health and patient care access and delivery.
Project Contact:
Project website
Maria Ruiz
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
UCLA-CUHK Exchange Program
The exchange focuses on sharing US-based health care nursing practices as they relate to health promotion, social justice, and specialty clinical content delivered in the UCLA classes. In addition, the students tour several hospitals and community sites.
Project Contact:
Project website
Janet Mentes
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
UCLA-Aino University Exchange Program
In 2019, the School of Nursing launched its first successful summer workshop for Aino University faculty and students. Aino University is a private institution of higher education, located in the quaint city of Takasuki, Osaka Japan.
Project Contact:
Project website
Janet Mentes
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
UCLA-Sungshin University Exchange Program
Sungshin University is a private institution of higher education, located in the metropolitan area of Seoul Korea. Sungshin University, founded in 1936, is an all women college which has been promoting student exchange programs since 1968.
Project Contact:
Project website
Janet Mentes
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
Sharing the Importance of Qualitative Research in China
The School has been collaborating with HKSH since 2010 to enhance the quality of nursing care delivered at the bedside and in its ambulatory clinics; promote mentorship of the nurses in conducting clinical research; and enhance the evidence-based practices of HKSH nurses as well as nursing students.
Project Contact:
Project website
Janet Mentes
(Updated: Dec 20 2023)
School of Public Health
School of Public Health-Shandong University MOU
The School of Public Health and Shandong University have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Project website
Zuo-Feng Zhang
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
National Contact Tracing and Case Investigation Training Program
The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and the AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Armenia, launched the first ever large-scale National Contact Tracing and Case Investigation Training Program for the Republic of Armenia.
Project Contact:
Project website
Alina Dorian
(Updated: Jun 05 2024)
Artsakh Demographic and Health Survey
The Poppy Project, in collaboration with AUA Turpanjian College of Health Sciences and Artsakh's Ministry of Health, conducted the first large-scale demographic and health survey in Artsakh. Surveying over 1,000 households across regions, it provided information on demographic and health parameters for nearly 5,000 individuals.
Project Contact:
Project website
Alina Dorian
(Updated: Jun 05 2024)
Emergency Health Education Materials
The Poppy Project team collaborated with the Ministry of Health and the State Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh to create emergency health education materials, on topics such as Managing Diarrhea in Children During Crisis, Hands Only CPR, Water Storage and Safety, and more.
Project Contact:
Project website
Alina Dorian
(Updated: Jun 05 2024)
Luskin School of Public Affairs
The Concord Project
The Concord Project is an international research, teaching, and action program whose mission is to strengthen ‘concord organizations.’ These groups bring together people in divided societies or situations of conflict with fundamentally opposing views or identities.
Project Contact:
Project website
Barbara Nelson
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Sciences Po Exchange Program
All Master’s level exchange students at Sciences Po study on the Paris campus. They take the same courses as students doing a degree program at Sciences Po and form an integral part of the student community.
Project Contact:
Project website
Danielle Lacob
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Promoting Safe Sex Among Adolescents in Tanzania
"We are implementing a randomized controlled trial (RCT) targeting both female and male adolescents. This RCT will allow us to causally identify the differential impacts of demand side and supply side interventions and better understand the role males play in affecting SRH outcomes."
Project Contact:
Project website
Manisha Shah
(Updated: Apr 07 2023)
Impacts of Income Shocks on Child and Adolescent Human Capital
"Our new projects funded by the National Science Foundation will attempt to increase understanding of what returns to education look like in rural areas of India and delve deeper into child labor issues."
Project Contact:
Project website
Manisha Shah
(Updated: Jul 28 2020)
Legalized Displacement: Analyzing the Eviction Apparatuses in Brazil
Drawing from Porto Alegre, a city with traditions of participatory mechanisms and community participation programs, this project analyzes what evictions look like in Brazil today and how they are being supported (especially through urban-legal paradigms) and contested (particularly in regard to the strategies adopted by housing rights movements).
Project Contact:
Project website
Fernanda Jahn Verri
(Updated: May 10 2023)
Energy Efficiency and Quality of Life: An Analysis of Mexico’s Green Mortgage Program
In this research, Mexico's Green Mortgage Program (GMP) serves as a case study to analyze energy efficiency as an instrument to improve quality of life of low-income neighborhoods. Using a multiple benefits framework, this research explores the outcomes of the GMP beyond the reduction of electricity consumption.
Project Contact:
Project website
Paloma Giottonini
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
School of Theater, Film, and Television
The UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television/Université Côte D’Azur Storytelling Institute
The UCLA TFT/UCA Storytelling Institute in Cannes, France is an immersive, in-residence graduate-level feature film screenwriting program designed to advance the artistry and skills of the next generation of outstanding, diverse humanistic cinematic storytellers.
Project Contact:
Project website
Brian Kite
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Korean Language Theater in Kazakhstan
Over 100,000 Koreans live in Kazakhstan as a result of both organic migration and forced deportations in the 1930s. This project focuses on Korean language theater in Kazakhstan.
Project Contact:
Suk-Young Kim
(Updated: Dec 17 2020)
Millennial North Korea: Forbidden Media and Living Creatively with Surveillance
This project explores how the expansion of new media technology complicates the country’s seemingly monolithic facade mired in entangled networks of technology and surveillance, intellectual property and copyrights, and the way for millennials to live creatively with censorship.
Project Contact:
Project website
Suk-Young Kim
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
Russian Theatrical Costumes and the Vestige of Empire
This project analyzes the intersection of Russian imperialism and constuming in Russian theater.
Project Contact:
Suk-Young Kim
(Updated: Dec 17 2020)
Early Bergman: Rebel Auteur inside the Swedish Studio System
Arne Lunde is currently working on a book manuscript with the provisional title "Early Bergman: Rebel Auteur inside the Swedish Studio System." Ingmar Bergman was a groundbreaking Swedish director, screenwriter, and producer who directed over 60 films, influencing creators such as Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, and Francis Ford Coppola.
Project Contact:
Project website
Arne Lunde
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
International Institute
Center for Chinese Studies Research Presentations
The Center for Chinese Studies invites speakers from all over the world to present their research on a more-or-less weekly basis. (In some cases, there are several events in a single week). Many of these events are coordinated with UCLA classes to increase their educational impact.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jan 23 2023)
Korean Christianity Program
The program provides primary sources of Korean Christianity, especially documents and images of Protestantism in early modern and colonial Korea. It also promotes contemporary scholarship on the history of Korean Christianity with book reviews, recent articles, and bibliography.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sung-Deuk Oak
(Updated: Jan 23 2023)
UCLA Russian Flagship Program Capstone Year in Kazakhstan
UCLA Students in the Russian Flagship program spend an academic year in Almaty. they are directly enrolled in classes in their major and complete an internship in Russian.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kathryn Paul
(Updated: Mar 03 2023)
Zhejiang University Department of Sociology Collaboration
Sociology programs include international conferences, visiting faculty and graduate student research and teaching exchanges, and a UCLA summer institute for undergraduate students from Zhejiang.
Project Contact:
Project website
Min Zhou
(Updated: Apr 20 2022)
History in the Dungeons: The Gold Coast Forts and Castles Project
This project's goal is to conduct a systematic survey that locates Ghana's slave forts and castles within Afro-European “conjunctures” that linked hinterland captives to overseas markets during the rise of the Atlantic slave trade.
Project Contact:
Project website
Andrew Apter
(Updated: May 03 2021)
Graduate Student Workshop for Southeast Asian Studies
This is a two-day writing workshop for Ph.D. candidates enrolled at any University of California campus whose research in the humanities and social sciences focuses on Southeast Asia, organized every other year.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
UC/CSU Network for Southeast Asian Studies
This program holds ongoing talks and professionalization workshops for graduate students to highlight research on Southeast Asia being conducted by scholars within the University of California and California State University systems.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Jun 16 2023)
UC Berkeley-UCLA Southeast Asian Studies Conference
This is a joint conference hosted by the UC Berkeley Center for Southeast Asia Studies and UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies every other year to feature research by graduate students and faculty in the UC/CSU system
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
Distance Learning Khmer
CSEAS partially funds remote instruction in the Khmer language; these courses, offered through UC Berkeley, are offered every year for cross-enrollment for students from any UC institution.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
Distance Learning Burmese
CSEAS partially funds remote instruction in the Burmese language; these courses, offered through UC Berkeley, are offered every year for cross-enrollment for students from any UC institution.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
Sites of Encounter in World History K-12 Teacher Workshop
This teacher workshop is organized every summer to provide area studies knowledge and pedagogy training to CA public school educators, so as to expand their instruction of world regions and civilizations in K-12 curriculum.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
Language Pedagogy Training Workshops for Southeast Asian Language Instructors
CSEAS hosts a series of pedagogy workshops for Southeast Asian language instructors, in collaboration with UCLA National Heritage Language Resource Center and Council of Teachers of Southeast Asian Languages. The Center is committed to providing opportunities for any community college instructor to incorporate more Southeast Asian Studies into their curriculum.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: May 17 2023)
Southeast Asian Language Council
CSEAS has a representative on the council to work on professionalizing the field of Southeast Asian language teaching in the U.S. by offering training workshops and materials development projects, as well as by creating national standards, proficiency assessments, and instructional resources.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nguyet Tong
(Updated: Apr 29 2021)
The Korean Classics Library
The Korean Classics Library is a publication series coordinated by the Center for Buddhist Studies. The series publishes annotated English translations of some of the most important and influential classics of the Korean tradition. The Korean Classics Library comprises two separate series: “Philosophy and Religion” and “Historical Materials.”
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert Buswell
(Updated: Jan 23 2023)
Living in Limbo: The African Refugees Documentation Project
The goal of this project is to analyze refugee communities in Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda in ways that identify African initiatives that create opportunities for growth and sustainable incentives for resettlement, reintegration and repatriation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Andrew Apter
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
The Greening of a Continent
This project focuses on constructing a community-based solar energy grids that generates low-cost electricity in rural villages of the Western Sahel most immediately threatened by desertification.
Project Contact:
Project website
Andrew Apter
(Updated: May 03 2021)
Visualizing Central Asia 2022
The UCLA Program on Central Asia compiles short videos about the Central Asia Region to be featured at a screening during International Education Week. These videos detail undergraduate and graduate students' research or personal experiences studying in the Central Asia region.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jeannie Chen
(Updated: Feb 21 2023)
Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
Dja Biosphere Reserve
During the past 20 years, scientists from the Center for Tropical Research have been conducting research in the Dja Biosphere Reserve (DBR), a UNESCO World Heritage site located in South Central Cameroon.
Project Contact:
Project website
Thomas Smith
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Center for Tropical Research: International Research and Training Center – Ecuador
CTR’s current studies include focused research on high profile, endangered species like the Long-wattled Umbrellabird, as well as multidisciplinary approaches to broader-level ecological and evolutionary processes and patterns. All research conducted by CTR includes Ecuadorians at various levels and is designed to provide information needed for conservation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jordan Karubian
(Updated: Mar 10 2023)
College of Letters and Science: Life Sciences
The Diversity Project
The Diversity Project is a research-intensive educational program designed to increase the participation of underrepresented minority students in marine biology and conservation through integrated research and mentoring experience.
Project Contact:
Project website
Paul Barber
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Titi monkey biogeography: Parallel Pleistocene spread by Plecturocebus and Cheracebus into a post-Pebas Western Amazon
This project reconstructs the biogeographic history of titi monkeys (Callicebinae) to better understand their diversification patterns and their colonization of South America since the late Miocene. This study comprises the first large-scale investigation of the evolutionary history of titi monkeys in the context of Amazonian and South American historical biogeography.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jessica Lynch
(Updated: Nov 03 2023)
College of Letters and Science: Physical Sciences
Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (GRIPS) - Sendai
Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (GRIPS) in Japan will offer graduate students in mathematics and related disciplines the opportunity to work on industry-sponsored research problems in Sendai, Japan. Students will work in cross-cultural teams on research problems designed by industrial sponsors.
Project Contact:
Project website
Dima Shlyakhtenko
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
The UCLA PTX simulates otherwise inaccessible geological conditions present in the crust and upper mantle. Their piston-cylinder presses allow them to routinely reach pressures equivalent to a depth of about 100 kilometers.
Project Contact:
Project website
Craig Manning
(Updated: Mar 10 2023)
Tripati Lab: Climate & Biogeochemistry Group
The Lab uses the chemistry of natural compounds as well as models as tools to understand how the Earth works. The processes they study are relevant to understanding climate change, the oceans, and the transfer of carbon between the biosphere, atmosphere, and oceans.
Project Contact:
Project website
Aradhna Tripati
(Updated: May 11 2023)
Alternative Energy and Biodiversity
This project will work will develop a first-of-its-kind center at UCLA that will act as a sample repository and hub that solar facilities can utilize in order to identify unknown collected samples in the future.
Project Contact:
Project website
Ryan Harrigan
(Updated: May 03 2023)
Characterizing tropical forest chronosequences with lidar and radar remote sensing
This project studies a tropical forest in La Salva, Costa Rica using field, lidar, and radar data to conduct biomass mapping in the area.
Project Contact:
Project website
Yongkang Xue
(Updated: May 09 2023)
Sustainable tourism in Colombia: Biocultural values
This project’s objective is to (A) evaluate the extent to which endemic species contribute to the cultural practices, and (B) understand the relative range sizes of species-dependent cultural practices to evaluate how threatened they are by global drivers of change.
Project Contact:
Project website
Dan Blumstein
(Updated: Mar 08 2023)
Long-distance Movements and Resource Use by Hornbills in Cameroon
This project aims to understand and preserve hornbill movements outside protected areas in the face of the bushmeat crisis and the enormous loss of mammal diversity and other important seed-dispersers, especially primates, throughout the Congo basin from hunting for commercial and subsistence use.
Project Contact:
Project website
Thomas Smith
(Updated: Mar 08 2023)
Preserving an Enigma: The Impact of Habitat Fragmentation on Rockfowl (Picathartes) in Central Africa
This study combines extensive fieldwork to collect rockfowl DNA samples with analytical methods from the newly emerging research field of landscape genetics. It integrates population genetics, landscape ecology, and spatial statistics, and allows to identify climatic, environmental, and ecological factors that influence population structure and dispersal abilities of target species.
Project Contact:
Project website
Thomas Smith
(Updated: Mar 08 2023)
Research Across Ecuador and Beyond
The Center for Tropical Research conducts cutting edge research in the Amazon and the Andes to complement their primary focus on the Chocó. In these projects, CTR combines the highest quality scientific research with local outreach to achieve conservation goals.
Project Contact:
Project website
Thomas Smith
(Updated: Mar 08 2023)
Dawn Mission
Part of NASA’s Discovery Program, the nearly decade-long Dawn mission will study the asteroid Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres, celestial bodies believed to have accreted early in the history of the solar system. UCLA was responsible for Dawn’s prime mission science, and JPL is responsible for Dawn's extended mission science.
Project Contact:
Project website
Christopher Russell
(Updated: Jan 26 2024)
College of Letters and Science: Social Sciences
The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project
The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project is a multidisciplinary research project addressing the archaeology and history of Jaffa, which is located on the coast of Israel on the south side of Tel Aviv.
Project Contact:
Project website
Aaron A. Burke
(Updated: Dec 04 2020)
The Turin Museum of Egyptology
The collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts in the Museo Egizio in Turin (Italy) is among the most important in the world. It includes the Old Kingdom Tomb of the Unknown, the New Kingdom Tomb of Kha and Merit, the Nubian Temple of Ellesiya, and the Turin Papyrus Map.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Nov 19 2020)
UCLA-National Chengchi University Collaboration
This partnership between the UCLA Division of Social Sciences and Asia Pacific Center, and the National Chengchi University Department of Ethnology, supports international conferences, visiting scholar exchanges, and instructional programs in the fields of indigenous archaeology and Taiwan-Philippine comparative archaeology.
Project Contact:
Project website
Stephen Acabado
(Updated: Mar 03 2023)
U.S./China Media Brief
The mission of the U.S./China Media Brief is to create, promote, and disseminate a more balanced understanding of the interrelationship of the countries, peoples, and cultures of the United States and China through the tools of mass communication and public education.
Project Contact:
Project website
(Updated: Jul 20 2020)
Shire Archaeological Project
Since 2016, the Shire Archaeological Project directed by Willeke Wendrich has been excavating and conducting archaeological survey work in the western Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. This region and its complex cultural heritage provide important information on the sub-Saharan counterpart of the Greco-Roman world.
Project Contact:
Project website
Willeke Wendrich
(Updated: Mar 10 2023)
Social Stratification and Social Mobility Syllabus Archive
The Research Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility (RC 28), with the generous technical support of the California Center for Population Research, has established an archive of syllabi for courses concerned with social stratification, social mobility, and social inequality.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jennie Brand
(Updated: Jul 20 2022)
Intensive Archaeological Training in Turin, Italy
This program provides opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to study ancient Egyptian history and material culture in Turin, Italy. This five-week, intensive teaching and hands-on program focuses on archaeology, conservation, museology, public outreach, and digital data curation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Willeke Wendrich
(Updated: Jul 29 2020)
Ancient Methone Archaeological Project
The Ancient Methone Archaeological Project explores the dynamics of landscape and landscape change, with a focus on sea level changes and related shoreline shifts.
Project Contact:
Project website
Sarah Morris
(Updated: Apr 26 2023)
Global Retail Landscapes
This research project, led by IRLE director Chris Tilly, looks at variations and change in retail job quality in the US in the context of global comparisons with Mexico and several European countries, including Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Project Contact:
Project website
Chris Tilly
(Updated: Dec 07 2020)
The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers Project
Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) form a critical link in black America's centuries-long struggle for freedom, justice, and equality. This project has preserved and maintained a large number of documents by or pertaining to Garvey and the UNIA.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert A. Hill
(Updated: Jan 21 2021)
The Banality of Good: Rights, Bureaucracy, and Human Trafficking to Japan
At the intersection of anthropology and geography, this project analyzes human trafficking to Japan as it relates to the broader context of Japanese social, political, and legal institutions.
Project Contact:
Project website
Lieba Faier
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
Displaced Sovereignty: Law, Capitalism, and American Empire
This project documents the expanding role of US courts and common law in governing transnational economic relations with post-colonial countries, bolstering US empire, and producing the post-World War II international economic order.
Project Contact:
Shaina Potts
(Updated: Jan 25 2021)
Department of Anthropology-National Chengchi University MOU
The Department of Anthropology and and National Chengchi University have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Stephen Acabado
(Updated: Mar 15 2021)
The Importance of Context: Children of Immigrants in the United Kingdom
Harnessing models of group-level contextual effects in explaining individual outcomes, this study elucidates the group-level factors most salient for verbal and quantitative cognitive achievement, socioemotional development, and likelihood of obesity for children of immigrants in the United Kingdom.
Project Contact:
Project website
Nathan Hoffmann
(Updated: May 18 2021)
Sedentarization, Land Privatization, and Transitions to a Market Economy in Tibet
This project analyzes the impact of transitions to a market economy and government-sponsored land privatization and sedentarization on family and society among ethnic Tibetan nomadic pastoralists in China.
Project Contact:
Nancy E. Levine
(Updated: May 18 2021)
Taiwan Indigenous History and Landscape Project
Based in Taiwan, this project focuses on: indigenous archaeology; community archaeology; landscape archaeology; and agricultural terraces.
Project Contact:
Stephen Acabado
(Updated: May 24 2021)
Ifuago Archaeological Project
This research focuses on the archaeology of the Ifugao agricultural terraces in the northern Philippines. It espouses the idea that the artificial contrasts that we see between highland and lowland populations in the Philippines are products of colonialism and history, rather than differences in ecological adaptation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Stephen Acabado
(Updated: Aug 08 2022)
Crossroads of Belonging, Safety, and Sovereignty: Sikh Punjabi Negotiations of Statecraft and Racecraft from Colonial Punjab to Imperial United States
This project interrogates shifting racial subjectivities of the Sikh Punjabi diaspora across empire, specifically examining how U.S. Sikhs have mobilized elements of a visibly Othered identity (turban and beard) in service of the state (statecraft) to obtain belonging via whiteness (racecraft).
Project Contact:
Project website
Harleen Kaur
(Updated: Aug 08 2022)
Transborder Political Ecology of Mangroves in Senegal and The Gambia
This project utilizes remote sensing analysis and political ecology frameworks to assess local accounts of mangrove wood trafficking across the border between The Gambia and southern Senegal, which were encountered in conducting qualitative field research.
Project Contact:
Project website
Judith Carney
(Updated: Nov 23 2021)
Werewolves and other Betes Noires: Sorcery as History in the Haitian-Dominican Borderlands
This book, which considers werewolf narratives in light of the ‘animal turn’, is based on oral testimonies of demonic animal apparitions in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The project is an extension of Derby's larger interest in the long durée social history of the Haitian and Dominican borderlands.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robin Derby
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
The Historian on the Craft: Conversations with Carlo Ginzburg
A six-day conference on the work of Professor Emeritus Carlo Ginzburg was held in Normandy, France at the Chateau de Cerisy (Centre Culturel International de Cerisy) from September 9, 2022 to September 15, 2022.
Project Contact:
Project website
Carlo Ginzburg
(Updated: Jan 26 2024)
Tearless: A VR film on US military comfort women in South Korea
Professor Gina Kim’s "Tearless" was invited to screen at the Venice Film Festival this year. "Tearless" is a VR film on US military comfort women who were forced by the South Korean government to serve US soldiers in camp towns outside the US military bases.
Project Contact:
Project website
Gina Kim
(Updated: Feb 15 2023)
Kura in Motion, a German-Azerbaijani Project
Former UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology fellow Dr. Andrea Ricci investigates early sedentism along the Kura Valley. Focus is on the landscape of survival of the Mil Plain of Southern Azerbaijan, where a series of late Neolithic (6th Mill. BCE) sites have been investigated with intensive survey and excavation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Andrea Ricci
(Updated: Feb 23 2023)
Fear the cats! Bold project teaches endangered Australian animals to avoid deadly predator
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology professor Daniel Blumstein collaborates with University of New South Wales faculty members on a project exploring the attack adaptation tactics of bilbies and other threatened species. The researchers place bilbies into large fenced plots with their feline enemies to observe their behavior.
Project Contact:
Project website
Daniel Blumstein
(Updated: Aug 07 2023)
Environmental Storytelling Collaboration with KCET
In collaboration with KCET, UCLA faculty and students are developing immersive stories and documentary films that reach diverse audiences. The project focused on California as a living lab for exploring the histories and horizons of urban planning, urban biodiversity, sustainable food and water, environmental equity, and multispecies justice.
Project Contact:
Project website
Jessica Cattelino
(Updated: Apr 13 2023)
Fieldwork in Bocas del Toro
The project focuses on the ceramics from the province of Bocas del Toro, Panama, including locally-made wares as well as foreign imports, and the potential they hold to elucidate both interregional systems of cultural interaction and community-level organization. Examinations focused on collecting frequency data and selecting samples for future research.
Project Contact:
Project website
Carly Pope
(Updated: Apr 19 2023)
Fieldwork In Eastern Belgium
A collaborative archaeological team conducted forensic archaeological investigations at a US WW2 aircraft crash site in eastern Belgium. The purpose of the project was to recover material evidence pertaining to a still missing member of the US aircrew.
Project Contact:
Project website
Stephen Acabado
(Updated: Apr 19 2023)
Bathing with the Romans
Conservation was carried out in a small Roman-period bath in Karanis as part of the Fayum Project. The objective of conservation work was to consolidate, protect and preserve the authentic historic material, without attempting to reconstruct what had been lost. It was then partially filled back with sand for protection.
Project Contact:
Project website
Willeke Wendrich
(Updated: May 08 2023)
Examining U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East
A dedicated team of undergraduates worked under the guidance of three dedicated UCLA Ph.D. candidates to examine the long-term motives and effects (both domestically and internationally) of American foreign policy in the Middle East. In parallel, the three graduate students researched U.S. support of ethnic minorities in Iraq.
Project Contact:
Project website
Philip Hoffman
(Updated: May 08 2023)
UCLA Extension
UCLA Extension-Berlin School of Business MOU
The UCLA Extension and the Berlin School of Business have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Tara Neuwirth
(Updated: Mar 15 2021)
UCLA Extension-De Vinci Higher Education MOU
The UCLA Extension and De Vinci Higher Education have a Memorandum of Understanding, outlining and specifying the two schools' collaborative efforts (e.g. joint conferences, joint research projects, and cooperation in postgraduate education and training).
Project Contact:
Tara Neuwirth
(Updated: Mar 15 2021)
UCLA International Education Office
UCLA-Utrecht Exchange Program
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is an exchange destination for Utrecht University students of the faculty of Humanities in Los Angeles, United States of America.
Project Contact:
Project website
Margaret Jacob
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Community-based Health, Food Security and Development
Come spend a life-changing summer in Ghana, with classes and service engagement introducing you to this strong nation, its welcoming communities, and warm people.
Project Contact:
Project website
Vivian-Lee Nyitray
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Explore Israel
Jerusalem is an ancient city and sacred spiritual center. Each of the four quarters—Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Armenian—add their own fragrant spice and ancient melodies to Jerusalem’s diversity.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Chilean Universities
Take courses in your major with Chilean students at either of Chile’s top two universities. A starter language program and multiple themed excursions enhance courses.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Sustainability & Wilderness Studies
Take your passion for the environment to breathtaking Tasmania. Put theory into practice and complete a sustainability project with real-world impact. Surrounded by wildlife and natural landscapes, take themed courses with an internship or research project.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Hong Kong Summer, HKUST
Spend the summer with a global student community on a modern, 150-acre campus overlooking pristine Clearwater Bay on the Sai Kung Peninsula. Explore Hong Kong’s rich history and heritage while taking classes in science, engineering, business or social science.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert Rodriguez
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Summer Global Internship, Hong Kong
Develop leadership, intercultural, and workplace skills in Hong Kong, a city filled with shining skyscrapers in the heart of Asia. The program will match you to a project or organization that suits your professional goals.
Project Contact:
Project website
Vivian-Lee Nyitray
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Japanese in Tokyo
International Christian University is the perfect place to build language skills. Speed your mastery of Japanese with tutorials and conversation partners. Practice your Japanese during on-campus and off-campus university activities, like tea ceremonies and Kabuki.
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Project website
(Updated: Aug 14 2020)
STEM Research Osaka
In this full-time lab program, conduct experiments and take part in team projects in a working science lab at Osaka University. Focus on fields like nanotechnology, molecular science, or robotics.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert Rodriguez
(Updated: May 11 2023)
STEM Research Tokyo
Undertake a summer lab research internship at the prestigious University of Tokyo schools of science and engineering. Be among the international undergraduates accepted to this competitive university research program. Space is limited. Please check with your campus study abroad office as soon as possible.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert Rodriguez
(Updated: May 11 2023)
Seoul Summer
Join students from around the world in lectures, cultural activities and a multi-day field trip. Learn from Korean and international visiting professors in a wide range of courses taught in English. Seoul is a friendly city for visiting students and easy to explore on foot.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Chinese in Taipei
Mandarin Chinese is the world's most widely spoken language. At Taiwan’s top language training center, build fluency in this critical language whether you have zero experience or years of study.
Project Contact:
Project website
Robert Rodriguez
(Updated: May 12 2023)
Thai Studies
Discover how Buddhist beliefs and Thai history affect modern-day Thailand. Courses are interdisciplinary for learners with a variety of interests like Thai politics, economics, religion, education, law, and art.
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(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Explore Cyprus
Nicosia, called Lefkosia by Greek residents, is the country’s capital and largest city on the southern part of the island. At the University of Nicosia, take courses in your major or explore ones that are less common across UC, like multimedia studies, interior design, or marketing.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Only in Paris
Timeless, iconic, and exquisite, Paris is dazzling. A living laboratory, Paris offers historically rich destinations, incomparable meals, and epic art and cinema. Ideal for first-time travelers, you’ll encounter various dimensions of French culture and life.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Sciences Po Reims
Become part of the next generation of leaders as you study political science at Sciences Po Reims. Gain an international perspective from a diverse community in a that program focuses on the geopolitics, history, and economics of France and the European Union.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
Mediterranean Politics, Food, and Culture
Trace the history, culture, and politics of the Mediterranean through the lens of food in three distinctive cities in Italy and Spain: Florence, Syracuse, and Barcelona. Study topics like migration and urbanization, global trade relations, cultural encounters that impact local identity, and the quest for sustainability.
Project Contact:
(Updated: Jul 22 2022)
International Business Economics
The students will learn business strategies for a global economy alongside Spanish peers at Pompeu Fabra University. This focused curriculum for business and economics majors improves students' professional skills as they gain insights into the world's business practices.
Project Contact:
Michelle Cobb
(Updated: Aug 10 2022)
Glasgow Summer Physics
This exciting 8-week summer balances hard work with weekend travel, day trips in the Highlands, and Scottish cultural activities. At the University of Glasgow, you can access courses that are hard to get at UC while experiencing the wonders of Scotland.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kelly Zuniga
(Updated: May 10 2023)
History: Ancient Greece
Students will study ancient history, philosophy, culture, and the origins of Western Civilization in Greece. This program visits over 20 archaeological sites in Greece! Students explore ancient Greece through a combination of classical archaeological site visits, lectures, and the works of Homer, Plato, Sophocles, and Aristophanes.
Project Contact:
Project website
David Phillips
(Updated: Mar 31 2022)
English: Shakespeare
Experience Shakespeare’s plays as they were meant to be experienced, on the stage as well as the page, and in the company of his fellow dramatists, during a summer session spent in Stratford-upon-Avon and London, England.
Project Contact:
Project website
Claire McEachern
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
California Ecology & Conservation, Natural Reserve System (Quarter)
Students will attend lectures, participate in discussions, design and implement research projects, write reports, and present their work to the group while immersed in California ecosystems.
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Project website
(Updated: Jan 25 2021)
University of Nicosia
At the University of Nicosia, take courses in your major or explore ones that are less common across UC, like multimedia studies, interior design, or marketing. If you’re into finance or technology, you’ll be attending the first university to offer classes in crypto currency and block chain technology.
Project Contact:
Vivian-Lee Nyitray
(Updated: Jul 25 2022)
Exploring Sustainability in Nantes, France – Nantes
This summer program offers a unique opportunity to explore how Nantes, a green capital of Europe, started its journey on becoming part of the solution to climate change and how its citizens actively support their city’s sustainability.
Project Contact:
Project website
Laurence Denié-Higney
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Social Science in Context: Understanding New Zealand
Through readings, class discussions, guest speakers, visits to museums, Maori communal gatherings, nature walks, and the Weta Workshop (the Lord of the Rings special effects lab), students will immerse themselves in the beauty, history, art, design, and culture of Aoteraroa New Zealand.
Project Contact:
Project website
Tamar Kremer-Sadlik
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
Understanding Economics Through Country Differences
Singapore serves as an ideal setting in which to study economics in the real world, because they truly do employ and consider the use of economics to motivate the desired behavior.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kathleen McGarry
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
University of Kent
The University of Kent offers the widest range of courses of UCEAP’s English university partners. It has a leading undergraduate law program and a strong humanities department. Canterbury is consistently voted the UK’s safest student city. Study abroad in one of the most historic cities of UK-England.
Project Contact:
Project website
Kelly Zuniga
(Updated: Dec 22 2023)
UCLA Library
The trends and status of China Studies in non-Chinese languages: 2006-2016
Overview of the field of China Studies through examining English monograph publications that published in North America and Europe from 2006 to 2016. The results of the research will reveal the current situation and future trend of academic research and publication on China studies in the past ten years.
Project Contact:
Su Chen
(Updated: Aug 21 2019)
Research on the Examination Papers pertaining to Guizhou: 1712-1904
The project aims to make the unique and unknown examination papers (1712-1904) about Guizhou available for scholars and researchers of Guizhou history and Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) intellectual history and education culture in general.
Project Contact:
Su Chen
(Updated: Jun 08 2022)
Catalog of Chinese Rare Books in the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library at UCLA
The project aims to make the Chinese rare books (pre-1795) and Classics (pre-1911) visible the scholarly communities around the world to discovery and access for teaching, research and learning. It also serves the general public who walk in the UCLA Library.
Project Contact:
Project website
Su Chen
(Updated: Mar 29 2022)
Oral History of China Studies Scholars in the Universities in the US & Canada: Phase I. (To be started in November 2019)
The project is initiated by UCLA EAL and aims to use oral history as a method to collect and document the research life and personal life of Chinese studies scholars who have made significant impact to the field of Chinese studies in higher learning institutions in the U.S. and Canada.
Project Contact:
Su Chen
(Updated: Mar 03 2023)
Assessing and Safeguarding the Documentary Heritage of Dangriga Town
This project will document and survey the audio-visual collection of the Dangriga Cable Vision Company. From the late 1970s to 2000s, the Cable Vision Company documented community heritage of Dangriga Town,Belize. The company’s archival collection contains recordings of the language, music, and dance of the Garifuna peoples, and cultural practices.
Project Contact:
Project website
Rachel Deblinger
(Updated: Apr 29 2022)
International Digital Ephemera Project
The International Digital Ephemera Project is an initiative to digitize, preserve and provide broad public access to print, images, multimedia, and social networking resources produced worldwide.
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Project website
International Digital Ephemera Project
(Updated: May 24 2022)
Building Democracy: Culture, Political Rights and Social Transformations in Venezuela’s Twentieth Century as seen through the weekly magazine Élite (1925-1998)
The Modern Endangered Archives Program of UCLA funds the digitization of weekly magazine Élite (1925-1998) to preserve and document Venezuela's cultural, social, and political history in the 20th Century. The magazine chronicles the birth and development of Venezuelan democracy over the course of seven decades.
Project Contact:
Project website
Rachel Deblinger
(Updated: Jul 18 2024)
UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
Music of Thailand Ensemble
Students in the Music of Thailand Ensemble will learn to perform the distinctive regional music traditions from central, north (Lanna), and northeast (Isaan) Thailand on a diverse range of instruments including mallet percussion, bowed, plucked string instruments, and flutes. Students will be introduced to Thai musical notation.
Project Contact:
Project website
Supeena Adler
(Updated: May 17 2023)
Music of Java Ensemble
The Music of Java Ensemble centers on the music of Central Javanese gamelan, a percussion-dominated musical ensemble featuring tuned bronze gongs, bronze metallophones, and drums, along with flutes, zither, vocals, and spiked fiddle. The ensemble is known for rhythmic complexity and a unique feel.
Project Contact:
Project website
Joko Sutrisno
(Updated: Dec 17 2024)