K - 12

Curriculum and resource development and dissemination are essential to our outreach program. The Center is a founding member of the Middle East Outreach Council, a national network of educators dedicated to disseminating apolitical and nonpartisan information, resources and activities to further understanding about the Middle East.

Current Workshops for Teachers, Grades K-12

Themes in World History: Democracy & Power

This free, online workshop series provides area studies content and pedagogy training to K-12 public school educators that aligns with themes of "Democracy and Power" in world history curriculum under the CA History Social Science Framework. The workshop gives educators an opportunity to hear lectures from scholars to gain more historical knowledge, work with model lessons developed by teacher leaders, and receive training for designing lessons to align with the HSS Framework, and get information about useful online resources.

Teaching Histories through the Arts

In partnership with the Fowler Museum, Teacher Institutes are aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the diverse cultural practices and religious beliefs within MENA communities. These free professional development opportunities to learn about global cultural traditions and provide instructional materials for classroom use. 


Workshops for Language Instructors K-16

Summer Heritage Language Teacher Workshop An annual one-week workshop sponsored by Startalk at UCLA's National Heritage Language Resource Center.


Resources for Teachers, Grades 1-12

Middle Eastern American Resources Online offers lesson plans and videos on Middle Eastern immigrant life in the United States. Our Center developed the site in collaboration with the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center of the City University of New York.


Past K-12 Teacher Workshops

Sites of Encounter in World History Resources This workshop series provided area studies content and pedagogy training to K-12 public school educators that aligns with the CA History-Social Science Framework. The workshops gave teachers an opportunity to hear lectures from scholars, gain exposure to new curricular materials, and practice pedagogical skills for designing new lessons units to expand the study of world regions and civilizations in their classrooms. 

Teacher workshops co-sponsored by the Center for Near Eastern Studies include:

Baghdad and Cairo as medieval sites of encounter
A UCLA Center X History-Geography Project workshop sponsored by UCLA's Islamic Studies program and the Islamic Studies-MRI fund.

The Cold War: Teaching with Primary Sources from Library of Congress
A UCLA Center X History-Geography Project workshop sponsored by the California History-Social Science Project at California State University, Long Beach.

The Medieval World Blueprint Workshop
A UCLA Center X History-Geography Project workshop sponsored by the California History-Social Science Project at California State University, Long Beach.

From the Popol Vuh to Pope Francis: Religion in Latin America
A workshop exploring the history of religion in Latin America from pre-conquest through the 21st century. Jointly sponsored by UCLA's Latin American Institute, African Studies Center and the Center for Near Eastern Studies.

High school teacher Workshop: Afghanistan
A UCLA Center X History-Geography Project workshop,  co-sponsored by the Asia Institute, and the Center for Near Eastern Studies.

Cities in World History
An institute for 7th grade world history teachers, jointly sponsored by UCLA’s Center for European and Eurasian Studies, Asia Institute, Latin America Institute, and the Center for Near Eastern Studies.

It’s a Matter of Taste
A workshop examining the role that food has played in history and culture throughout the world. Sponsored jointly by UCLA’s African Studies Center, Asia Institute, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Center for European and Eurasian Studies, Latin American Institute, and the Center for Near Eastern Studies. 

California Community College International Curriculum Development Grants A new funding opportunity is available to California community college faculty for innovative curriculum design, integrating international and global dimensions into community college courses. For more information on how to apply, click HERE.


Past Workshops for Students, Grades 1-12

Summer heritage language classes, while not currently offered, in the past we have partnered with the UCLA Center for World Languages to offer special summer language classes for high school students who speak, understand or hear Armenian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Turkish or some other heritage language at home. Languages offerings support students wanting to improve or learn to read, write and expand listening and speaking skills. The classes offered a fun and challenging opportunity to study the home language and meet other heritage speakers from the greater Los Angeles area.