  • gold design element

    Democracy–Freedom–Truth: Critical Conversations from Diverse Global Perspectives

    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the limits of civil liberties have been tested in communities around the world. Liberal democracies and authoritarian states alike have curtailed individual and collective freedoms to preserve the common good. At the same time, we have seen rising contestations of “truth,” including questioning of the scientific bases for the COVID-19 public health restrictions on free movement and association. These contestations of truth have been fueled by social media and new technologies, including AI.

  • gold design element

    Democracy–Freedom–Truth: Critical Conversations from Diverse Global Perspectives

    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the limits of civil liberties have been tested in communities around the world. Liberal democracies and authoritarian states alike have curtailed individual and collective freedoms to preserve the common good. At the same time, we have seen rising contestations of “truth,” including questioning of the scientific bases for the COVID-19 public health restrictions on free movement and association. These contestations of truth have been fueled by social media and new technologies, including AI.

  • gold design element

    Democracy–Freedom–Truth: Critical Conversations from Diverse Global Perspectives

    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the limits of civil liberties have been tested in communities around the world. Liberal democracies and authoritarian states alike have curtailed individual and collective freedoms to preserve the common good. At the same time, we have seen rising contestations of “truth,” including questioning of the scientific bases for the COVID-19 public health restrictions on free movement and association. These contestations of truth have been fueled by social media and new technologies, including AI.


    12:30 PM
    Image for Freedoms and Flashpoints: Elections Around...
    Democracy Freedom Truth

    Freedoms and Flashpoints: Elections Around the Globe in 2024

    A discussion with diverse regional experts about the many significant elections that have already or will soon take place in...

    12:00 PM
    Image for Paradoxes of Solidarity - Lecture...
    Democracy Freedom Truth

    Paradoxes of Solidarity - Lecture by Rahel Jaeggi

    For more details, click on the title to visit the event page.

    4:00 PM
    Image for The Holdings of the Austrians...
    Democracy Freedom Truth

    The Holdings of the Austrians Archives for Exile Studies

    In this lecture, Veronika Zwerger will showcase the history of the Austrian Archive for Exile Studies at Literaturhaus Wien. It...

    12:15 PM
    Image for Land, Capital and Emergent Forms...
    12:00 PM
    Image for Sudan Update: Understanding the war...
    Democracy Freedom Truth

    Sudan Update: Understanding the war in broader historical and transnational context

    Please join us for a panel discussion on the ongoing conflict in Sudan. What do we need to know to...

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