
  • The Haredi Research Group
    College of Letters and Science: Humanities
    The Haredi Research Group took rise in the spring of 2021 in response to two related developments in 2020 within the Haredi community, initially in the United States. The group's research to date has been conducted in three pods – History-Culture, Qualitative Social Science, and Quantitative Sociology
    Project Contact:
     Project website      David Myers
    (Updated: Feb 27 2023)
  • Kang Research Group
    College of Letters and Science: Physical Sciences
    The group's research spans over three directions: hadron physics; QCD collider physics; heavy ion physics. These research efforts are closely connected to the experimental programs at RHIC at BNL, Jefferson Lab, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Europe, and the future Electron Ion Collider (EIC) in the US.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Zhongbo Kang
    (Updated: Apr 06 2023)
  • QCD Meets Gravity 2023
    College of Letters and Science: Physical Sciences
    Every year, UCLA faculty members from the Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics participate in the QCD Meets Gravity series of meetings for researchers interested in the correspondence between Yang-Mills theory and gravity. The 8th conference in December 2022 took place at the University of Zurich.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Zvi Bern
    (Updated: Aug 10 2023)
  • AIDS Posters Collection
    UCLA Library
    Digitized AIDS posters from 44 countries. Demonstrates the efforts taken by various countries to promote AIDS awareness and modify risk behaviors. The physical collection was originally acquired by the History and Special Collections division of the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library in 2005, and has been expanded through later acquisitions.
    Project Contact:
     Project website      Lisa McAulay
    (Updated: Jan 22 2024)

Archived Projects/Programs

UCLA Study Abroad

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  • Global Studies, Geneva
    Known as the “capital of peace,” Geneva’s humanitarian activities pulse through its ongoing diplomatic missions and headquarters to the European UN and Red Cross. With its worldwide influence, the University of Geneva is the best study abroad choice for advancing a degree in global and international studies.


  • Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)
    UCLA School of Law partners with IHEID in Geneva, Switzerland to provide a foreign exchange program for their students. While classes are taught in both English and French, the majority of the course offerings are taught in English. Some course offerings include International Law and Terrorism and International Health Law.



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Defining Terms


  • The projects and programs on this map constitute our “global data.” We define global data to be information related to “global topics” such as events, activities, and geographical areas outside of the United States. Any project or program conducted in an area outside of the United States is included on the map, as it speaks to UCLA’s direct engagement with the global community. Even if a project or program is conducted domestically, it is included as long as it engages with one or more global topics.

  • To collect data for the Projects/Programs map, we survey faculty on their research pursuits. We also explore UCLA websites such as faculty profiles, research centers, and department pages to learn about past and ongoing projects. We periodically review our data, archiving and removing projects and programs that have concluded or expired.

Study Abroad

  • Click here for the International Education Office’s explanation of UCLA’s various Study Abroad Programs.

  • To collect data on Study Abroad Programs, we explore both UC Education Abroad Programs (UCEAP) and UCLA websites to find information on opportunities offered at or through UCLA.


  • International Collaboration comprises memoranda of understanding (MOUs), collaboration agreements (CAs), affiliation agreements (AAs), and student exchange agreements. Click here for UCLA Global’s explanation of these terms.

  • We source this data from the UCLA Global database of international academic agreements.


  • Here, “Students” refers to International Students as well as Study Abroad students.


  • Visitors are guests whose visits are coordinated by the International Visitors Bureau (IVB). Click here for more information.

  • We source this data directly from the IVB.

As a land grant institution, the International Institute at UCLA acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (Los Angeles basin, Southern Channel Islands).

Equity, diversity and inclusion are essential values of the UCLA International Institute. These professed ideals enable us to provide the kind of broad, global, multicultural educational experience central to the Institute’s academic programs. We welcome faculty, staff, and students from all backgrounds and want everyone at the Institute to feel respected and valued. We are committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion for our students, staff and faculty in our academic programs and centers, as well as on our campus.

The Institute is proud of its over 60-year legacy in preparing individuals who have gone on to make contributions to the business, nonprofit, government and education sectors. As a gateway to the world for the campus and the greater Los Angeles community, the Institute considers equity, diversity and inclusion essential to its mission of educating global citizens and preparing them for a multicultural world and collaborative problem solving.

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