IHLA Resources

Resources for Online Teaching in Heritage Language Schools 

International and Heritage Languages Association (IHLA), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Professional Development Webinars

In this workshop, Dr. Aga Palalas shares her expertise about heritage language learning and mobile apps. She describes how students can benefit from using technology during heritage language classes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS0s1LN1-Zg&feature=youtu.be

In this video, Sofia Eigueta Duplancic and Zuzana Buchanan share tips and tricks they have used to make exciting and entertaining presentations that inspire and engage students in their language teaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlA3zt7eizg&feature=youtu.be

Maria Lekkos-Carrozza, of the St. George's Hellenic Language School, described how she uses online games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI0fW0QT7DM&feature=youtu.be

Additional Resources

The ELSTA website has many resources and 3 webinars: https://nesetweb.eu/en/conference/webinar-helping-multilingual-children-to-catch-up-and-succeed-through-the-use-of-online-language-learning-tools/

This workshop about preparing mainstream teachers and heritage language teachers was delivered at the Coalition conference October 9, 2020: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7077fjd1e91mx9f/Recording%20-%20Workshop%20-%20Hiring%2C%20Training%2C%20and%20Retaining%20Effective%20Teachers%20.mp4?dl=0

Teaching Materials

Self-directed learning and developing listening skills

Interactive PDF with lots of ideas and links to tutorials: https://www.paperturn-view.com/ppli/jct-mfl-chatterbox-interactive-resource?pid=MTI120240&v=2

Click on "digital tools in the MFL classroom - tutorials": https://www.jct.ie/modern_foreign_languages/resources.php

STARTALK Resources


A program about teaching heritage languages: http://startalk.nhlrc.ucla.edu/Default_startalk.aspx


Published: Tuesday, December 8, 2020